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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. Depends what was said in the article though, I never read it but if it said more than what you stated then it does make sense.
  2. Still intrigued by MMA tweet about TV rights playing a factor. If it is true I hope its to our advantage.
  3. I was determined the other day to go far far back into his tweets and see what was said. Scrolled down for ages and only got to June this year so gave up
  4. As soon as the page starts opening, the very 'second' it has started, click on "Esc" at the top left of your keyboard, if you are using a standard keyboard. There may be another way to do it, but that's what I do. It works every time, but you have to be QUICK !! And what do you do if you're on your phone. If you refresh the page, as soon as it starts to load the circle with arrow changes to an x, quickly press it and it works. Genuinely impressed with that tip, that is a proper life hack ?
  5. Any legal action will be for compensation not for the takeover to be approved. That's what I mean. It's just a bit of a shrug from me Could go to court of arbitration to sport and get the decision overturned apparently.
  6. In typical Ashley style he won't start any legal preceedings just because he's so fucking unpredictable.
  7. PIF said that if the PL ever decide to give the deal the green light then they'll come back didn't they? In the meantime they're probably looking at other options and not really doing anything to get this deal sorted. If anyone it will just be Staveley and Ashley.
  8. A lot of the Norwich fans think we've overpaid. Said he wasn't that great last season and their RB (Byram) performed better than him when he was being put in at LB. Gets pushed off the ball a lot apparently. Definitely more of a LWB than a true LB as his man marking isn't great. Will be interesting to see how he performs here and hopefully is given plenty of time. Him and ASM down our left side though would be strong for attacking but a huge weakness defensively. Definitely looks like this is one for the 5 at the back system imo.
  9. Shocking finish by Murphy. One on one and he hits it dead straight at Butland. Beautiful long pass by barlaser to put him in though.
  10. Is it just me or is this worded really badly "With a deep appreciation for the Newcastle community and the significance of its football club, we have come to the decision to withdraw our interest in acquiring Newcastle United Football Club. Sounds like" we love the city and its a huge club so we have pulled out of the deal". They could have put a "unfortunately" in there or something?
  11. I feel the same , i was so excited and sure it was about to happen and transform the club and lift the whole area,only to be shit on yet again..disgraceful Yep. Reefatoon nails it there. The thought of eventually having top European players at the club and becoming one of the elite is absolutely what this club deserves. The place would have been electric when the new signings run on to the pitch. Having a world class manager who builds a team that makes Man City/Liverpool dread playing us let alone coming to St. James park. But no. Here we are with Steve bruce in charge while we scrap around looking for free transfers and loans. Really not arsed about the upcoming season. 2 chances we've had to be ran by a sugar daddy and both have walked away. Just incredible.
  12. That will go straight over the sheep's heads! Thick as f*ck they are! I don’t get it. The argument was that they were able to buy large shares in those companies without the media causing an uproar and calls for boycotts of those services and people to speak out again it. Them selling shares in those companies doesn’t take anything away from that arguement. I think the most telling thing is that they're selling the shares. That completely adds up to the statement about why the pulled out of buying us due to the economic downturn or however they described it. There's every chance they can come back to the table as they clearly won't be scrapping their 2030 vision. Just maybe delaying it. But anyway, the only way they can get us is after the PL giving them the nod and I just can't see that happening anytime soon,if at all.
  13. Scotty66

    Jeff Hendrick

    What on earth is this video :lol: My 6 year old son could have made a better video, they can't even edit the bit out where the ball hits the camera ffs
  14. 360 lifestyle platform is so much cringe. What next "global leader in happiness"?
  15. The PL are/were doing everything to make this fail. It's just staggering that they are allowed to dismiss the takeover because the owner is somebody at the top of the food chain. Have PIF ever been refused ownership/investment before from any other company? I wish PIF would just setup sports investment fund or something and buy the club with that. There must be a way around this and surely it doesn't have to be PIF on the paperwork. Just like AS has done.
  16. I'm fairly confident the guy on the right is photoshopped in to that photo. The fact it looks proportionally and dimensionally wrong when compared with it's surroundings. It looks very much ahead of the surrounding and background. The area around his face is very weird looking and his left leg has some weird shape sticking out of it covering the shadow. Not to mention the fact he looks to be taking part in a completely different conversation to the others. Just doesnt look right to me. There's more pictures of the event here. http://m.bazaar.com.cn/bazaarlifestyle/2020/0106/290630.shtml
  17. Apparently Juve want him off the wage bill so there is every chance he will leave. Just ya know.... Not for here
  18. 100% definitely not. It's gone quiet, but there's no way Staveley, Reuben's and PIF have completely walked away. Not a chance. My personal belief is this PR exercise regarding the new takeover rumours is an attempt to push PIF to get back to the table and offer the PL what they want. I can understand the logic but personally, I think it's just wishful thinking and that it's quiet because there's nothing more to be said. In saying that, there is the NUST meeting with the PL which should be interesting to hear about. Seemingly it’s a meeting with supporters trusts of another 5 or 6 clubs primarily to talk about getting fans back in to stadiums. I suspect any NUST questions about the takeover will be batted away Think the PL have agreed to talk about it.
  19. Finally received a reply from the email I sent to Liz Truss... Dear Scott, Thank you for your email. Elizabeth has raised your concerns with Oliver Dowden MP, Sport and Culture Minister, and please be assured that she will be back in touch as soon as she receives a response. Best wishes, Sally Washington - Caseworker Office of the Rt. Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Member of Parliament for South West Norfolk Secretary of State for International Trade, and President of the Board of Trade and Minister for Women and Equalities
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