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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. The worst I see from that report - BeoutQ was operated from Saudi Arabia and by Saudi nationals. It cannot be proven that it was the Saudi government. Saudi government didn't do enough to find and prosecute those in charge.
  2. If you have seen my previous posts over the last week or so, I have simply said that the Premier League need the evidence of the "published" WTO Report, for everyone to see, to support their decision to approve (what the Media have drummed up to be) this controversial (their words) takeover. I have seen nothing to change my view on this. It is just plain, simple LOGIC . . I have no inside information. How will it support their decision to approve the takeover if it unquestionably incriminates KSA? You make no sense. It’s about PIF and the degree of separation as a legal entity, were PIF responsible for piracy, if no then the takeover should proceed. Hasn't that already been stated? I'm sure some legal expert on twitter posted a screenshot of it dated June 2nd? Didn't that come from the WTO report?
  3. If the PL rejects the takeover who truly benefits? Just Qatar and human rights groups. The PL will lose out on massive investment to their league. The government will be left red faced as will KSA. AS will have failed yet again to be successful. MA will be left with something he doesn't really want (although he keeps 17m he obviously wants this deal to happen) The region and council will lose out on massive investment opportunities. Edit - But will Qatar actually benifit if the piracy continues? This is the best chance they have to resolve the issue properly. Do we really think rejection of the takeover will stop the piracy?
  4. The top executive they quote is probably Charnley. He has no idea what's going on just like everyone else. 50/50 is about as accurate as you can predict given the amount of positive/negative headlines over the last couple of months.
  5. Bein surely? They have an existing contract so maybe the PL are making sure allowing this doesn't break that contract.
  6. MBS casually throwing $10k at DOTA while he chills and waits for all this to blow over. https://www.ginx.tv/en/dota-2/saudi-arabia-crown-prince-biggest-dota-2-battle-pass
  7. Telegraph are full of shite. Had little reputation regarding our takeover but like you say, producing crap like that shows their true colours. Why can't one of them just say "PL are doing everything they can to find a way to make the takeover happen" if a paper wants an insane amount of attention? ?
  8. The Stoke fans with teeth like a crossword and the Norwich fans flopping a dildo around live on air was pretty funny though
  9. How can the WTO report hold any weight anyway? It's not a court of law ruling and isn't it said to be heavily influenced by Qatar? Maybe the PL have asked MBS for proof against the evidence but then how is that fair as you can't keep asking for documents or proof everytime something goes against them. And just because they can't hand in the sufficient proof to aid the innocence, still doesn't mean they are guilty and should be refused.
  10. Nice update What do you mean with the PL seen to go through the piracy though? As in they want it to look like it's been a real thorough process or as in they are still going through it?
  11. Agree, obviously the PL have had a lot to deal with but it's staggering that they potentially haven't given an accurate timeline on when it will be done. The owner and seller are both stuck in limbo with hundreds of millions of pounds involved. And the PL are just like "speak to you later!".
  12. If you go through his comments he says a lot of waffle and a lot of stuff which indicates he’s not ITK at all. All he’s done is throw out a load of guesses. He even admits his latest comment is guess work. Yeah I had a look and he has said a few times that it will be within a certain time frame which obviously never happened. Tbf though I don't think there is one single person who has got everything absolutely nailed on so far. It's just the comment he made before the Burnley game that sticks out to me as there was absolutely no mention of the takeover progressing around that time asfaik.
  13. Someone on reddit who apparently has contacts with the law firm for the selling side has said it definitely won't be this week and it will be "many more weeks". I've done some digging and he said the takeover was 100% genuine before the Burnley 0-0 game. Also said about the 80%,10% and 10% structure before it was reported. I'm not taking his word for it but just prepare yourselves for a long long wait just in case ?
  14. Why do people keep saying this? The directors' test criteria are copy and pasted literally on this very page for you yet you still say the above. For clarity, here's the relevant part: There is NO requirement for anything to be proven. None. It's "in the reasonable opinion of the board". That's it. No conviction is required, no "hard evidence" needed, the board just have to decide, in their own opinion, that if they'd done this in the UK then it would be "on offence". That is all that is required to fail this test. But I'm guessing this is where the buyers legal team would have a field day if it gets rejected on that basis. Surely they need to have some basic form of evidence to make it "reasonable" I think this is why the WTO report is so important, but then even that is not concrete evidence.
  15. Saudi minister apparently saying on twitter that they had the rights for those games that were shown along with other gulf channels.
  16. Yeah I just remember people saying he was a friend of keys etc. Good to hear he won't be in charge of the decision
  17. Has the new PL chief executive started yet? If not I wonder how that will work with the takeover? Surely if he has to come in and review everything so far that will make things even longer about making a decision.
  18. Report won't be published until mid-June. No doubt the PL will wait to review it. How long can they hold it up? Honestly isn't there a limit, it cant just sit on someones desk for months and months. It says the PL have already received the report.
  19. It could be all down to making it legally watertight. Either for the legal battle from PIF if its rejected or, the legal battle with piracy from Bein if its accepted. Who knows whats in the broadcast contract between the PL and Bein.
  20. Bullshit article imo. The stuff they quote about Ardiles is not true (mis quoted) as said by himself.
  21. Is that the one who posted on twitter at the end of last week about the deal is done? Had over a million followers but didn't really seemed to get picked up by the media over here.
  22. Rafa would make Stones better when Guardiola couldn't? I feel as though Stones knows if he makes a mistake he's out of that Man City team. Rafa would put an arm around him and make him part of the backbone of a new look Newcastle. Stones has been poor of late but I definitely think there is a better player in there. I don't think Rafa is known to be one to do that. I do think Rafa would get something out of him though, much like he did with Lascelles. I'd have Stones here as a long-term replacement for Fernandez perhaps, but on paper I don't think he's a signing that would immediately oust any of our starters. Could probably be a project trying to help him find his confidence again. True, many players have said Rafa often comes across as distant instead of a shoulder to cry on. I just feel Stones would feel less pressure playing under Rafa. The only concern I would have is perhaps his injury problems reoccurring, but I definitely think he would be a positive signing.
  23. Rafa would make Stones better when Guardiola couldn't? I feel as though Stones knows if he makes a mistake he's out of that Man City team. Rafa would put an arm around him and make him part of the backbone of a new look Newcastle. Stones has been poor of late but I definitely think there is a better player in there.
  24. His videos on Fifa Ultimate Team where he shows what you really get after spending shitloads of money are class. Most youtubers make it look like you can get Ronaldo and Messi in a few packs. He rightly shows its an absolute con and should be avoided at all costs.
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