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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. These lads seem to have previous with anti competition cases, and understand have won one much larger than this. By all accounts O’Donoghue is also a leading anti competition QC, so absolutely no reason not to believe in them. Plus Mimms has pretty much said that this is a coordinated effort, supported by the buyers and with De Marco in well involved. By the sounds of it, everything NCSL say and do is carefully planned from a legal perspective. This isn't Niall and Biffa spouting off whatever they fancy. It's also quite telling that Liam Kennedy is getting first dibs on these stories and interviews. Again, as Mimms has said, it seems Kennedy is somewhat in the loop. Wonder if this is what Mimms was referring to earlier this morning. Tbf if it is and he had said what's coming it would be pretty obvious his source or he is Liam Kennedy
  2. Refresh the page and stop the refresh before it loads. Might takes a few goes but definitely works. Also works on the telegraph articles. Someone from here posted that month's ago and it has been one of the best tips I've ever found in my 20 years of the Internet
  3. I bet as a kid he used to get a magnifying glass and burn ants with the sun. And pick his nose and wipe his slimy bogies on other kids backs when they were blissfully unaware he was loitering behind them.
  4. Will it be out in the public over the next few days or is it all happening behind closed doors? Once again, appreciate your updates ?
  5. I doubt the issue of standing is as cut and dried as some are suggesting. People are making the assumption that they can’t have standing because they’re just two fans, however, one or both of them are also likely to be customers of the club. There could be an advantage in and reason for a case being brought by fans, according to the government guidance the CAT fast-track process is generally only open to individuals and small business. If the case were being brought by the club or consortium it might be less likely to be handled under the fast-track process. CAT cases can be brought by customers, the guidance gives an example of a purchaser of a product who has had to pay more for it because the manufacturer or retailer has infringed competition law. Just speculating but there are possibly ways that standing could be demonstrated in relation to any season ticket holder. We’re in a situation where the PL would rather keep an owner who has withheld refunds from season ticket holders in place than allow owners to take control who could potentially threaten the established big 6. Even if the loss demonstrated is pennies, a big compensation pay-out clearly isn’t the goal here, it’s a judgement that the PL have breached competition law in their actions. Brilliantly described. This is exactly what I believe is happening. There is a coordinated effort to establish that competition law has been breached. They know that they need to use an alternative approach to establish this quickly, which is why these two fans have been used. Once established they can move forward with the large piece of litigation. Didn't Mimms say ages ago that the legal team(s) were looking at different routes to exploit. This must have been what that meant.
  6. When PIF get home at night they must have to sit down and wonder if we're really worth it
  7. If this takeover never actually happens to go through I really hope the PL get found out to be the absolute corrupt fat cats that they are. If both happens then of course its absolute dreamland.
  8. If that was the case he would have claimed to be in the know during the summer in the height of takeover talks. Sure he said a few things of note, truth or not. But he didn't talk about it so in depth to what he does now. As always time will tell but I don't think he's doing all of this just to boost his profile.
  9. Personally I think it if it was 100% dead in the water we would have a leak from somewhere saying so or even a statement from seller/club/buyer. The fact that it's been made public that Ashley is trying to get the sale done, along with the fact the buyers are still interested I would say things are still going on in the background, if it was all over we would definitely know about it.
  10. Scotty66


    Guess their delivery was cold.
  11. Not a lot. As long as they've played professionally they are seemed as the oracle. Lawro is the absolute worst, talks like he knows everything and is never wrong. Yet if he managed 10 games in the PL he would lose each one heavily.
  12. How the fuck is he still involved with football? The bloke is an absolute dinosaur. Just like "brucey"
  13. Also CB's are much better at stopping him than full backs. CB's are stronger and taller and he doesn't stand a chance against them at the number 10 position. Full backs are generally pacey players with high stamina who like to push high and leave space behind them. This is exactly what Saint maximin needs. Even if they double up on him out wide it means there is a space somewhere in the middle to exploit (if the players were coached well enough to spot it) It's just piss poor management. I mean, really really bad. Don't even get me started on the long high ball from deep to Wilson "because he can run fast"
  14. Fed up with this shit. Game after game it's just pure rancid football with a cut to Steve Bruce licking his lips on the touchlines. Playing maximin center and still playing hendrick. It's just absolute spew worthy. Can't be arsed to watch the second half.
  15. That report states that discussions were going on about project big picture in "late spring" and there were earlier discussions before that so you can absolutely guarantee those fuckers worked out a way to put a stop to our takeover. Things are slowly starting to come to the surface..
  16. Is the correct answer. Cheeky cunts, asking for more time. Problem being is that will go against them in court if they refuse the time extension. PL sticking another two fingers up.
  17. Interesting. So the PL have eventually identified this as a legitimate legal threat. 14 days to clean up the dirty tracks and shred all incriminating documents you say? Sure, why not. If they do that then it's really going to go against them in court when they are asked to provide all evidence covering that time frame. If they have stuff to hide it's better for them to accept the takeover than to hide/delete evidence imo.
  18. Isn't this just to strengthen the case for Ashley if it goes to court? It really doesn't look good for the PL that they have failed to respond and could be used by the lawyers of Ashley that the PL are incompetent and/or hiding something. I think the legal action involving De Marco will start very soon.
  19. The puma deal was only a short term extension anyway wasn't it that was due to end early next year iirc? If that was coming to an end personally I think it ties in more with the takeover that Ashley would connect himself to it in someway until everything is finalised. I guess the new owners want to make their own deals if and when they take over. Of course Ashley could have consulted them before making a long term deal with someone else but maybe they said they want to sort that out later? Hence why Ashley got a deal in for himself in the meantime. There's a hundred and one reasons and we just have to wait and see how it all unfolds. I won't be getting worried about this kit deal, at the same time as I won't be getting excited (takeover related)
  20. Said he had his DM's turned off for last 4 days but NUFC360 posted a screenshot of a DM from him 2 days ago. Not sure what the fuck is going on. Geordiedentist also retweeted moneymike saying that Geordiedentist own tweet is bullshit?!
  21. There's no way on Earth that was Ashley himself
  22. Didn't Mimms say she knows fuck all as she's been pm'ing journos to get info? I know who I believe...
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