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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. Ryders response to a tweet - "I think the headline refers to the fact that he’s not started a League Cup game this season Kevin." You wrote the article Lee
  2. My Brentford mad mate says they are suspect at the back and that they've been playing a mix of their best players and squad players/kids in this Cup. I think we'll get chances, just need to make sure we take them, if toney plays I can see him scoring.
  3. I noticed on flash scores yesterday r they have ASM down as injured with a "thigh strain" Nobody has a clue what's going on
  4. I had to reply to that. These cunts need to start being fucking told because tweeting stuff like that is just bullshit.
  5. Man City, Liverpool and Leicester back to back soon
  6. Leeds winning 3-2 with 10 mins to go and bielsa puts a fresh striker on. Has this cunt ever done that in his entire full of fat career?
  7. Pardew, carver, Bruce. Ironically all self obsessed and should never have been anywhere near this club.
  8. Scotty66


    He's just so clunky, he doesn't really seem to excel at anything. Most players are either good in the air, or they're fast, or they're technically gifted. He isn't any of those. He has no natural attribute, apart from being a really nice fellow which doesn't really make much of a difference when you're a premier league footballer. I would have loved to see him fit the price tag we paid, but I honestly think we'd be a better team without him.
  9. Scotty66


    Covid in club winners 2020 ftm
  10. He said it won't happen this side of Christmas so I don't think we'll hear much tbh. January looks like being an absolutely crucial month, especially the first couple of weeks.
  11. He says he knows through his job but won't say what it is he does. He also says there is around 100 people who will also know the info that he has.
  12. Cant be lucky every week. You make your own luck in this game. Bringing a sub on that scores the winner.... Honestly he is making everyone on here look like mugs. Do we think A) Bruce spotted a weakness in the opposition, made a tactical judgement, consulted his staff who agreed the decision to bring on a player who would take advantage of the weakness and create multiple opportunities to score or create goals? Or B) Stick him on and see what happens (shrugs shoulders and licks lips)
  13. Yep. On Wraiths podcast a few weeks ago he could hardly keep a straight face when talking about it with Liam Kennedy. But why would Wraith pass it over and not claim the credit for being the ITK. Wraith loves the attention.
  14. What? Mimms' mate has suggested Kennedy gets his info from a well known NUFC gobshite. I dont know who Mimms' mate is. Who you talking about? It's become apparent that Mimms gets his info from a dude on another forum who I can now see the posts of (albeit he keeps the juicy details to a smaller WhatsApp group, and doesn't post all of the info on the forum). Or Mimms IS the guy on the other forum? Dude on the other forum has been around for a long, long time. And Mimms appeared suddenly, providing info that had been posted normally 20 mins or so earlier over there. Plus the dude on the other forum was informed about Mimms a little bit ago and asked a few questions about there hows and wheres. I'd be amazed if they were the same person. Really want to read what's been said on that forum. How do i register? I have an MSN and Gmail account but it said during sign up that these are banned?! What email is valid?
  15. Only one I don't understand is the Steve Bruce packing his bags? Is that what was said on football365? What that suppose to be immediate because it was clear Ashley was never going to sack Bruce until this is resolved.
  16. This is the thing though, I don't think it's a battle they can't win. "Can't" is a massive word in this context, and one that absolutely nobody can use in this situation whilst still maintaining any credibility whatsoever. Of course they can win a legal battle. They might or they might not, but they most assuredly can. But on what basis can they win? The only plausible way is if the buyers don't meet the current rules that the PL set in the requirements. This has already been said that they have. The PL definitely can't pick and choose who buys clubs and who doesn't, as long as everything was done that was asked, there really isn't much they can do imo.
  17. Has Ando ever had any inside info regarding the takeover or is he just the team sheet specialist?
  18. Narrowed down to three potential people (if not all of them with access) but told to shut up cos they were making too much racket - same source. Interesting. The plot thickens. Who are the suspects?
  19. So now that's resolved, what about money Mike Ashley? Where and why did he go?
  20. Wtf is that 365 forum. Advert overload and I tried to be nosey and register however email addresses from MSN, Hotmail and Gmail are not allowed to be used because they are banned Fuck that.
  21. Mimms has popped in a few times before and said nothing to update iirc. (before he got all the grief) No idea why he got so much stick, if you don't believe his info then there is no need to rant and rave about it. Just let those that did believe it. Carry on. I found it quite exciting reading his posts and its a great feeling when they come true.
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