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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. I honestly would want to do this if I was a top pro. Like you say it would be a different challenge, and imagine the scenes when you arrive at the club. It would give the fans of a club who win nothing something to remember for years.
  2. He can't get enough of posting that picture of him and Staveley at every opportunity can he?! Bet he's got it framed on his bedroom wall.
  3. Didn't they make a comment the other day (via a journo) about them not taking up arbitration because a decision hadn't been made by the PL? Still need an explanation on what their next step is though and if they are definitely still looking to get the deal done or if it is now about saving face.
  4. Feels so underwhelming after having put so much excitement into PIF. We were so close to eventually becoming one of the elite in European football. So close.
  5. From what I've seen of those who work in legal, they all say that the PL have basically fucked up and have not carried out the test the way they should have. The football law thread is the best I've seen. Surely the next step now is legal action from the buyers. Where that would leave us if they do win though, who knows.
  6. It will absolutely have an effect, like the thread states, things like this effect future commercial deals. A company can easily say we aren't prepared to give you as much money as last time because your (PL) brand has been negatively effected and we're unsure about being associated with that. That hits the PL hard and I'm sure masters would not want to be getting phonecalls from the commercial director asking what the fuck is going on. Even so, they can't be seen to passing this purely based on fans tweeting corruption messages. I think they're just finding a water-tight reason to fail it now (or at least say why it would fail if PIF hadn't withdrawn) Yep it's not about making this go through imo. (From AS wanting fans to pressure them) It's more about getting a final decision. Accepted- great, deal is complete. Rejected- let's start legal action and pick apart why it was rejected. I think the buyer, seller and the PL all know it cannot legally be rejected and that's why we are at this situation. Even if the PL have changed the terms of the test, it wouldn't effect this deal as long as it is still on the table and has not officially been withdrawn, which I do believe to be the case.
  7. It will absolutely have an effect, like the thread states, things like this effect future commercial deals. A company can easily say we aren't prepared to give you as much money as last time because your (PL) brand has been negatively effected and we're unsure about being associated with that. That hits the PL hard and I'm sure masters would not want to be getting phonecalls from the commercial director asking what the fuck is going on.
  8. Maybe the PL aren't saying anything because the test is currently ongoing? The buyer and seller agreed to break the NDA in order to ramp up pressure but the PL can't do that? Still, they could still send out a "can't comment on an ongoing process" like they've done before I guess.
  9. Look forward to reading the transcripts of that Geordie baiting session. I think you’ll find Simon Jordan will be very much on our side. Balanced no doubt but he’s no fan of the EPL. I always thought he loved to rile our fans up. Am I getting him mixed up with someone else? Is Steve Parish a prick about us? Jordan has definitely tried to wind us up before in things he's said. However from what I've heard him say about the takeover he's really stuck up for us and been on our side and slated the PL.
  10. Unless it's that it was ready to be passed subject to them agreeing to include MbS and/or the KSA as a director. I thought the whole point of them trying to get KSA as a director was so they then had valid grounds to reject it. Although surely you can't ask for that and then say no we're not happy with that, it's rejected. Maybe just to cover the legal side of it? ?‍♂️
  11. Absolutely hate EA sports too. Bunch of money grabbers who only care about how much they can rake in via ultimate team while neglecting actual gameplay. Each year its "brand new ball physics" when in reality its the same shit as last year. I know fifa isn't the only game they make but its the game that make them the most money and the gameplay suffers because of it. So yeah, I rank them right alongside the PL...
  12. Ties in with mandys statement imo. How? She gave absolutely nothing away and that seemed to imply that "something" was still going on in the background. If she had said something along the lines of "we are still going to try our best" it would indicate to me that discussions with the PL are not currently ongoing. What rocker has said there confirms to me that AS doesn't want to say the wrong thing and piss off the PL while they are in discussion.
  13. Really like that 3rd kit. ?
  14. Interesting from the Department for International Trade "We help UK companies succeed in Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabian companies set up and invest in the UK." Liz truss is the minister for International Trade. She is the MP for South West Norfolk and I am in North Norfolk. I've sent her an email anyway but I don't think it will have any effect as I'm not in her constituency.
  15. Joined. Really would like to see the sign ups explode as of course it would be benificial to see for the NUST, but also exactly the kind of thing needed to show the PL that this matter isn't just going to be swept away.
  16. So what happens if the offer isn't ever actually withdrawn from the PL? Do they still have to make a decision? Just because its been reported in the press and a statement has been released does that automatically tell the PL to stop looking at the takeover?
  17. So tonight with itk's we've found out that a decision is due this week and that Ashley is currently delaying the deal even though he absolutely wants to sell the club. Definitely possible that it's been passed and Ashley is waiting to receive the money before it being confirmed.
  18. Just like SA like to do business. Yes, yes I definitely like this possible scenario.
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