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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. 26 appearances in just over 2 years,scoring 2 goals
  2. Took about 2 months last time didn't it?
  3. Scotty66

    Rolando Aarons

    reliable source? Great news if true. Really hope he has a good season this year and makes LW his own position with Ritchie on the RW
  4. So bid received from Everton then with Mitro wanting out. Gave up on Galloway too.
  5. 4-1-4-1 Selz Janmaat Mbemba Lascelles Gamez Hayden Ritchie Sissoko Diame Aarons Gayle
  6. Rafa was more than happy to see Mitro take the number 9 shirt last week. Can't for one second think Rafa would do that knowing full well that he would soon be sold Unless of course that was just a cover story and Rafa gave it to Gayle because he knew Mitro was not wanted
  7. Would be interesting to see our performance in all games with him versus without him in the team since he joined.
  8. Scotty66

    Adam Armstrong

    Took a shot from outside the box when he should of squared to Ritchie who was in a better position,more space and screaming for the pass. Can't blame the kid, but playing him as much as he wants would end in disaster. Needs to be loaned out to another team in this division.
  9. And putting actual f***ing money on it. Might as well take that money and throw it directly into the trash. Mine was a free bet from Sky. Last time we were unbeaten at home under Hughton and lost only 4 away. With Rafa in charge and a better squad (on paper at least) the "idea" of going all season unbeaten wasn't that absurd. Hence why the bookies odds were lowish for this kind of bet. If was only because of tonight's result that hardly anyone predicted,the unbeaten all season bet is getting pounced on.
  10. Scotty66

    Matz Sels

    I thought he did ok personally. Like how he acts as a sweeper keeper. Risky but allows us to push high. That will be very effective in home games I think.
  11. Still giving away needless free kicks instantly putting us under pressure and forcing everyone back. When has Rafa previously dropped him from the starting 11?
  12. Knew my bet of remaining unbeaten was a long shot but expected it to last longer than the first fucking game
  13. Yeah forgot about Tiote. The impression from Rafa is that they've definitely said they want out.
  14. That interview with Holloway was superb. Rafa says 2 or 3 players could still leave? Sissoko and who else. Preying it's not Mbemba too.
  15. I've never been fond of managers that let you piss around all the time in training sessions. Bellamy describes it like an army drill but that's exactly how it should be imo. Fully professional and rafa makes sure everyone knows exactly what they need to do and who is boss.
  16. New winger must be incoming.
  17. Bollocks. Missed all this. It is repeated anywhere?
  18. What? http://m5.paperblog.com/i/14/148032/man-of-mystery-who-are-you-L-UsmVhg.jpeg
  19. Damn. Brighton will be dangerous. Bugger. They'll be a threat. f***. They're gonna be good. Shit. They'll be tough to beat.
  20. Who is the mystery man in the middle? another top secret signing?
  21. Danny Simpson - Premier League winner. Moussa Sissoko - European Championship runner up. Sometimes shit players work well in good teams.
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