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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. I like how we're in a much easier league allowing him less pressure to build the club and get his methods in full flow. Plus with going on a good unbeaten run in this league will give everyone so much confidence in him regardless if it's in the Championship.
  2. So this is what is feels like to be Man City. Kind of.
  3. Also if he tells them he wants to join us that may force their hand.
  4. "whatever Rafa wants,Rafa gets"
  5. Would happily take Knockaert over this failure.
  6. Gonna make Ronaldo's head explode with all those mis-placed passes in the final 3rd.
  7. but did you listen to him?
  8. Only a matter of time before Shelvey hits one of his 30 yarders that finds it's way into the back of the net. From then on he will be awarded the shoooooot chant at every opportunity. (Which no doubt he will oblige and give away possession)
  9. He'll boss it in the Championship. He had loads of chances last season but just couldn't put them away. The important thing is he gets himself good chances nearly every game and in this league that will be more frequent.
  10. Think Gamez was signed as our first choice LB,agree Rafa may not be impressed with Janmaat as a defender (hence trying him at RM) but can't see Rafa putting him on the bench.
  11. If he does stay he will be one of our best players next season imo.
  12. Scotty66


    Think it will be 12th - 15th for 2 or 3 seasons.
  13. Why the French flag and lemons?!
  14. Always though Janmaat would be better as a RM/RF
  15. If there is 1 single thing good about him it is his technique.
  16. Scotty66


    Good manager but he'll need at least 2 or 3 seasons to build a good team. Going by their recent managers timeframe he needs to hit the ground running.
  17. Not fussed he's gone. Absolute quality player in there somewhere but he's just far too lazy and shy to be anything near the player he could be. Staggering to think we sold this fella for £25m yet Ben arfa goes for free.
  18. Most important part of this entire transfer is who will replace him in the Rafa Benitez song?
  19. Scotty66


    So will it be sports direct arena again?
  20. We value Gini at £27m. Seems Liverpool hoping to get him nearer £20m. Pretty ****** considering how the market is.
  21. Anything under £18m and I'll be disappointed.
  22. Oxford City managing director found dead at the stadium http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-36819017
  23. I think technically he's very good,his off the ball movement is good too. Really hope he has a great season coming up. Deserves the best at this club as he has been a complete professional since arriving.
  24. Newcastle United medical team when he picked up that bow -
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