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Everything posted by Scotty66

  1. Congrats man. Hopefully one day we will meet again in European football
  2. We have news from Craig hope for the last 2 nights haven't we? Hopefully tonight is the night that it's done an dusted
  3. Still wanna see this bloke play RM/RF. Too unreliable as a RB but has bags of stamina and can get good crosses in the box. A solid RB playing behind him would vastly improve him as a player imo.
  4. I thought the complete opposite. Looks like they're lacking a World Class striker. Haven't seen a huge amount or Morata so presume he will be the main striker?
  5. 1. Getting Benitez as manager. 2. Keeping Benitez as manager while we play football in the Championship. Literally cannot find a good enough GIF to give an explanation on how fucked up that actually is.
  6. So will it be a brand new contract or will he continue on his existing 3 year deal one if he stays? Imagine him signing his life away to a Pardew style 6 year jobby
  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-3593503/Rafa-Benitez-set-remain-Newcastle-manager-season-positive-discussions-owner-Mike-Ashley.html
  8. Spurs made an enquiry about him in Jan iirc.
  9. Hope he stays. Him and Lascelles can form a good CB pairing.
  10. Will be an absolute warlord in the Championship if he plays.
  11. Has made some good saves tbf but I would have voted for Mbemba before voting for Elliot.
  12. Didn't Spurs try to sign him? maybe we left him out in the hope that they have forgotten about him and won't come knocking again
  13. I'm sure Rafa said earlier that he had a meeting with Charnley lined up and then was due to meet Ashley. If it's the meeting with Ashley tonight then it's quite clear that one of them really wants to get it signed and sealed asap.
  14. Could see what he was doing going 3 at the back but it backfired spectacularly.
  15. Going to be a massive kick in the nuts not being able to watch our games next season. We'll be the pick of the bunch for sky live games but most of the time it will be radio only I fear
  16. Hope this lad stays. Good professional and would tear it up in the championship. Rafa clearly rates him and is obviously one of the players he needs to stay. I think there will be a number of Premier league clubs making offers though.
  17. Your right,I never knew about his West Ham link. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/rafa-benitez-agreed-contract-with-west-ham-before-real-madrid-moved-for-manager-a6788326.html
  18. Interesting him saying he was in talks with a Premier League club and then Real Madrid came along and snatched him. I wonder what club he was in talks with and hope they don't come try for a second time.
  19. The comment about "not about the money" is huge. Rafa doesn't want 150m to spend on players but he wants the money spent on the right players,however much that may be. If he doesn't stay here as manager I think it's clear as day that the future for the club is very very dark. He wants to see the club are prepared to push the boat out and aim to be a success. Everything has failed for Ashley. This is his last chance to get it right and Rafa could really save his arse.
  20. Crazy stuff. Actually went and signed the petition for Rafa to stay after reading it as it was that alarming.
  21. So Ironic how they want a top class manager to get them in front of Liverpool yet turn their noses up at Rafa because he managed their Rivals. For that alone I hope they make an appointment that totally falls on it's arse and they drop down. Before anything,you should want the best for your club. Still,glad they are doing it as it improves our chances ever so slightly
  22. So I presume from now when the Sky Sports "experts" talk about "City" they will mean Leicester?
  23. After watching that Arsenal fan video I fear Arsene may get struck down in a drive by shooting.
  24. Whatever happens Rafa has sent us out fighting with a team that couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag under McClaren. If Rafa had came in and continued getting beat I would have been gutted for him as the media would just right him off and laugh that he "didn't have the experience for relegation" He's already proved he can turn a team around at the foot of the table and above all else I just hope he stays.
  25. Shelvey or SDJ would definitely make us better in attack. Hope it happens.
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