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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Be interesting to see his net contribution. How many goals was he responsible for vs goals/assists.
  2. http://basementrejects.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/arrested-development-season-3-10-fakin-it-judge-reinhold-court-gob-franklin-puppet-will-arnett.jpg
  3. Fitz Hall* Marlon Harewood* Mike Williamson Peter Lovenkrands Wayne Routledge Danny Simpson* Zurab Khizanishvili* Patrick Van Aanholt* Leon Best Fabrice Pancrate Championship signings last time around FWIW. * Denotes loan
  4. PSV can rebuild him...they have the technology.
  5. Kinnear on Steve Blacks appointment was probably the same reaction as Livia when she heard Tony was seeing Dr. Melfi.
  6. Commentators amazed that we are not cut adrift of the top after 3 games. Thick cunts.
  7. Gouffran to run his bollocks off for 60 minutes and then bring on Aarons to go up against a tired full back.
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