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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. We'll still be shit, it just won't smell so bad.
  2. Yeah, feels like we're just going further and further down the path. You already have to go back a fair way to the most recent 'alright' times.
  3. If I've got to be served up weeks of tepid, big-four orientated, bland, rubbish im glad for the odd player that still manages to make terrible games and terrible teams, vaguely interesting.
  4. Maybe Neil Cameron will explain that Newcastle United and Manchester City are not the same thing.
  5. Money will probably feature.
  6. That standard of fucking journalism. So much bland editorialising and weak supporting arguments.
  7. http://blogs.independent.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/mario-balotelli-king-kong-cartoon-530x530.jpg Italy.
  8. http://s2.postimg.org/7lhcvxnc9/Semmy.png Famous on the palace forum. Thanks for making look like a complete asshole semtex.
  9. A lot of people think Stifler is a fucking idiot.
  10. Blame Catalan! Blame Catalan! It's not even a real Country anyway.
  11. You were wrong. His Champions League record at Shakhtar is 1 in 5 for an AM playing for one of Europe's lesser teams that really isn't bad at all. EDIT: What Flip said. He was an integral part of a pretty decent Shakhtar Team.
  12. Is there any empirical data on the percentage of black players that go into management or the percentage of black people who try to become managers? Nope, that would be interesting to know but probably hard to gather. I do think in general British footballers become managers too easily without a solid coaching pedigree. What I found is that in 2012 the number of black managers in the PL and FL was roughly the same as their percentage of the overall population. In terms of Uefa B licenced coaches the number of black coaches were slightly ahead of their percentage of the overall population. There appears to be a minority of black players actually going into management but the figures for these aren't well documented. Black players comprise 25% of PL and FL players (or they did in 2012), but there don't appear to be figures for these players going into management. The point you've previously made about Obama cuts both ways. The absence of black managers is not necessarily diagnostic of racial prejudice.
  13. Is there any empirical data on the percentage of black players that go into management or the percentage of black people who try to become managers?
  14. Did anyone see him talking about the coin/colo? He is monumentally thick.
  15. Peter Beardsley. A face only a mother could love and a thoroughly English name.
  16. Anything else you'd like to pull out of the air?
  17. They've got bigger waist measurements than IQs though so that's no shock. Lowes would have to be Stephen Hawking for that not to be the case.
  18. If we were ever going to take the cups seriously Cisse is exactly the sort of player we need to hang onto.
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