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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Whilst at the same time being employed by Ashley.
  2. What about after all the Doctors refused to operate?
  3. From their point of view their system isn't broke. Pardew has left, but he's like a part, they will look for a similar replacement part to do the same job.
  4. Except they have said they expect him to get top 10. If he does he won't be going anywhere. If he comes close say 13th I think they will stick with him. Sign him up to a new tighter 'head coach' contract and if he's a disaster terminate him for minimum compo, write another season off etc. The club is in a state of permanent stasis. When was the last time they did anything right, like seriously on a big scale?
  5. He was undeniably close to Speed. He's just a stupid idiot talking, least I hope that's what he is. If this is that PR cunt again then it will confirm my view that the club is a cyst on the arse of the sport.
  6. John. Carver. Strings. Martyr.
  7. Simple question, why? I think there's more to it than that. Clearly the free/cheap options don't want to work under their terms imho. More in hope really, tho im not sure where the hope is coming from... It's just denial really. It's hard to face supporting the most shithouse club in the league.
  8. Let's hope McClaren gets promoted.
  9. I'm not sure we are the right job for a fledgling manager, which is the extent of what is said in the Telegraph.
  10. You need to pay Rupert Murdoch to read the rest Oh hamburgers.
  11. Can't help but feel it would be useful if you could believe a single word the club said about anything.
  12. Trouble is now, what's at the end of the rainbow? Football is f***ed, 'we want a team that tries' is all well and good but is it really going to galvinise fans who in all likelihood are just as fed up with the state of football as a whole as they are with NUFC. It's difficult.
  13. The only source Ryder knows is Heinz. Just make sure you don't re-read this when you're in a lecture with 300 people.
  14. Were Palace not retarded you could have had another 6 years of Pardew under that deal.
  15. That and you know Mike Ashley is a known commodity in the ownership stakes now.
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