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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Low crosses into the box and he scores for fun.
  2. 'His name is Allah and he dances on the sand' Quran Quran.
  3. He could have and should have been a great player for us. To have his level of talent and for that to be the case, tells its own story.
  4. As with Pardew there is a reason why he was in league one prior to joining. Both are not good enough for the Premier League.
  5. Krul used to be the understudy to Steve Harper. That made sense. Experienced pro gets injured, talented junior player comes in. Fucker shouldn't be in the squad.
  6. He's like a computer programme. Takes a negative opinion and a positive opinion and finishes with a neutral opinion. Beige'n hell.
  7. How did they get that lady alien from mars attacks?
  8. Someone's jel. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l57bd0DSD11qc073co1_400.gif
  9. I'm not offended by it but come on it makes reference to Jews grabbing coins.
  10. He's going to shaft them something rotten and then it'll be oh Mike's not so bad he saved us etc..... He's an opportunist.
  11. That's it. Guy was signed from Wigan.
  12. Why do people engage such prissy attention seeking.
  13. Jewish people and English people. Two mutually exclusive concepts. Fucking idiot Dave.
  14. http://cache3.asset-cache.net/gc/154665544-hatem-ben-arfa-talks-with-adam-campbell-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=GkZZ8bf5zL1ZiijUmxa7QRuHRQuW33Pw3JFcDoNY%2B1hyDkSYRNNuoQPLJC7IBQsUrjPpi5Ko6F7tQpm1DNSppw%3D%3D
  15. They are not prosecution witnesses but both gave evidence in their Defences so would be witnesses for their own Defence. You'd really need to see the Court transcript if you wanted everything. They are not readily available and very expensive to obtain. Even then you wouldn't get much of a sense as to how people came over giving their evidence, which I suspect played a part in Evans' conviction.
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