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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. So when he doesn't get them he can be perceived as hard done by.
  2. Never accepts a draw at home as a good result though does he. What a paradox.
  3. Cronky is right, he shouldn't have taken the shot on. There were better options available but he's just a boy so it's not a great problem. Pardew is a fucking shit for mentioning it.
  4. What difference does it make if an opinion is on here? No difference. Just an observation. He's hopeless but gets more support on here than anywhere else. The first part is my opinion, the second part is fact. That's cute.
  5. Quite easy when you have that ginger c*** next to him. We only signed the ginger c*** in the summer. Anita has done nothing of note since he signed for us including when he's had the likes of Cabaye alongside him. Just not good enough. Team doesn't want to keep the ball. It's thoroughly pointless him being here. He could offer a lot but we will never have the correct set up here. Chronically mismanaged.
  6. Hope he gets hit by the Polar Express.
  7. I suspect our negotiation position will be let's sign you to a six year contract and this will facilitate you leaving in 2016 for big money. Win Win.
  8. Be interesting to see how this pans out. Could well be that our lack of ambition hinders the profitability of developing players.
  9. Think Carr was briefed to buy a target man.
  10. Hmmm they have loads of players out on loan but they are overwhelmingly Ukranian. Their first team squad is still the European Franchise of Brazil.
  11. It's not funny at all. Like think about something that's actually funny and then think about what you've just typed.
  12. Thanks for dignifying my cheap shot with a detailed, considered answer.
  13. Not his natural position and likely to lead to him being marked out of games as teams become more aware of the threat he poses. Fantastic idea if you factor that out though.
  14. It wasn't like. When you're scoring every game though who is watching? It was absolutely fine.
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