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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Should Anita have played more than Perch last season? Absolutely. Why? Because he is a far better footballer. Here we are, again, stinking up threads with guff about Pardew.
  2. Ancillary orders get granted without a moments thought or hesitation. That being said it seems fair enough that somebody who works in football ought to fall into an exception when it comes to football banning orders.
  3. Points win prizes. They will have marked 3 points probably for those two games. Not saying it wasn't a bad result in the circumstances, the way some go on about Norwich it's as though they are cut adrift at the bottom of the league.
  4. you really have to wonder what on Earth goes on and how anything gets done at the club. In my head there are about 5 people walking around St. James' day to day organising the club. Sometimes they meet in a corridor and things get done.
  5. The Spurs result kinda took the pressure off that Villa result.
  6. I'd feel more confident about that if it was just a case of keeping them. Sadly we need to buy both Remy and De Jong.
  7. Touché The difficulty is often distinguishing between drunk consent and too drunk to consent. alijmitchell has pretty much nailed it.
  8. Was cleared ages ago. So he has been found not to have raped her...but she walks away free and gets to live her life. Were as no matter what mud sticks and people will alway judge him now. Fair enough he is a knob but how many people are being accused only to be found innocent. Its sick that a woman can have sex feel bad then just accuse somone of rape. Anonymity is counter-productive, unfair and discriminatory. What has happened is that people couldn't be sure if he raped her. Not really the same is it as being found not to have raped her? You don't seem to have Judged him despite the accusation. Go figure. Did you follow the case or just saying that becasue of the result? After reading the evidence to me it seemed obvious he did not rape her. He had made it obvious to her he wanted to have sex with her and she still kept hanging around him. I know what you are saying but to me her evidence was very flawed. Her defence was that she was drunk and could not consent. Sorry but you don’t go out clubbing with someone then they get a taxi with you to a hotel and you don’t know what is going on. If we use that defence most the sex happening in Newcastle on a weekend is rape. All this s*** about I was to drunk is seriously BS. I have used the I was drunk excuse before. But no matter how drunk I was if some guy said right we are going to a hotel lets go I would never just go with him and have sex. As for the not judging him because he has been accused of rape…to be fair most people that read the papers are stupid and think no smoke without fire. There is a lot of ignorance in your post. I make the points I have done because the criminal burden requires a case be proven by the prosecution. This means the prosecution's case must be so persuasive that a jury is sure of guilt before they convict. This obviously covers everything from thinking the accuser has said a 'load of rubbish' to 'I really quite can't be sure'. Most acquittals are far closer to the latter scenario than the former. Whilst baseless accusations are often commonplace in the Magistrates court where most cases involving people telling tales are dealt with, they are far rarer in the Crown Court. Reading the evidence? I assume you weren't on the Jury? So either you worked on the case, or more than likely, read what was reported in the paper. She doesn't have a 'defence' she doesn't have to defend her position. The Crown has decided Ranger had a case to answer and part of putting that to him involved evidence from her. The point you make about going back with somebody is dangerously close to saying people deserve what they get. At it's worst it's a case of someone exercising poor judgement due to alcohol impairing their reason. The idea that it's somehow a form of consent is both dangerous and grotesque.
  9. Was cleared ages ago. So he has been found not to have raped her...but she walks away free and gets to live her life. Were as no matter what mud sticks and people will alway judge him now. Fair enough he is a knob but how many people are being accused only to be found innocent. Its sick that a woman can have sex feel bad then just accuse somone of rape. Anonymity is counter-productive, unfair and discriminatory. What has happened is that people couldn't be sure if he raped her. Not really the same is it as being found not to have raped her? You don't seem to have Judged him despite the accusation. Go figure.
  10. All it needed was one spectator to have made a complaint and they could have been.
  11. Been some talk about him moving to MLS. Ahh the MLS, where once good players go to die. Juan Pablo Angel likes this.
  12. Arguably yes. However, I am loathe to believe it was anything to do with his skin colour.
  13. This is what I think has lead to the 'makes us tick' cliché. It's a very good skill, particularly on the counter.
  14. Any employment law people out there? Does the formal warning he was given make it easier to sack him without any compo should he step out of line again?
  15. http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/73304000/jpg/_73304957_david_meyler_alan_pardew_getty.jpg Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal http://dvdmedia.ign.com/dvd/image/article/700/700013/brokeback-mountain-20060404030234113-000.jpg Alan Pardew, David Mayler
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