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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. I do. He didn't score much during the second half of the 5th season. His decision making was poor at that time and he was shooting too often in the face of better options. Pretty pointless thing for me to bring up in the Gouffran thread.
  2. Was terrible. As was the fucking soft handling of it by ITV's commentators.
  3. Most confident strikers are, and to be honest that is a good thing. It wasn't at the times he was doing it.
  4. Anyone else damaged themselves/have standout memories of particular 'in the moment' celebrations? Sure I can remember reading someone on here flew about four rows at Wembley when Rob Lee scored against Chelsea. Don't think I've ever damaged anything other than my vocal chords. Worst one was Lovenkrands against Boro to make it 3-1. The moment we stayed up (or so I thought); I nearly spontaneously combusted in that moment and could barely speak for a good 48 hours. Probably the loudest noise I've ever made myself! Was in L7 for that and everybody was just going fully mental. Was doing some weird sort of agressive dance with a stranger who was probably in hs mid 50's. Can remember some Boro lass was sat not too far away in Colours and she just looked completely devastated. Celebrating Viduka's disallowed goal against Fulham was one of the cruellest moments I've felt as a fan. Essentially.
  5. Like he did vs Southampton earlier in the year, after which he returned to "form"? He needed to finish his 1 on 1 last night far more. That would have helped him. His run to get on the end of that ball hasn't been seen for months
  6. Yeah, no great shakes in losing to Chelsea either. It's probably going to be a third loss in a week and it just grates a bit when you can't get excited about football.
  7. A 28 year old shouldn't need coached about passing a ball, about finishing a chance, about crossing a ball. But they all get coached nevertheless. Absolutely preposterous statement Jon. They're all extremely well paid to get the best out of the players. The excuses are getting worse. If you honestly think his moronic offsides are down to coaching then I really don't know what to say. Offsides aren't really the problem here.
  8. Probably as technical if not more so than Cabaye. Superb at doing the intercept.control.little look.pass. bit. Range of passing and goal threat isn't as good. However, he adds more to our tempo than any other player we have.
  9. Started to look better tonight. Isn't saying much.
  10. What like Birmingham in a 46 game season, where he got them very near the play offs despite playing in the Europa League, and doing well in it. Didn't hear Hughton say his squad wasn't big enough at every chance he had. And he did that at a Birmingham which was in a complete mess because of their nutty owner. Admittedly the Championship is easier but the points still stand. Birmingham were also in a complete and utter shambles at the time. Hehe, as i said in that post, with very bad grammar..... Sorry Bimps, actually didn't see that you said that.
  11. dunno his time at Norwich hasn't exactly been impressive and its looking like he could be on his way before long It's a very limited first 11 compared to ours. after spending a fair wad of cash in the summer. Think they knew they had to spend...We'll see at the end of the season...We're far more likely to be flirting with relegation than them imo... Than Norwich? 3 points above us last season Ian. 3 points below us this.
  12. What like Birmingham in a 46 game season, where he got them very near the play offs despite playing in the Europa League, and doing well in it. Didn't hear Hughton say his squad wasn't big enough at every chance he had. And he did that at a Birmingham which was in a complete mess because of their nutty owner. Admittedly the Championship is easier but the points still stand. Birmingham were also in a complete and utter shambles at the time.
  13. Come on Wullie, you're better than this. Don't see why you choose to be so bitter towards people for expressing an opinion different from yours. Everyone was grateful for the jon Hughton did in getting us up, it's just that we didn't know if he was the person to take us forward. It's pointless to assess that opinion in hindsight because you don't like his replacement. Ian, you didn't want Hughton but you're happy with Pardew. You're a total joke. Truly baffled anyone could even think that, especially with the hindsight one has into it all now. It's such a nonsense point people take though Bimps. It's essentially Pardew isn't very good but his replacement might be worse. Oh right, so we have a thread about ALAN PARDEW where people talk about the fact he isn't very good. Any talk about the inability to find a suitable replacement should really be in the Kinnear and Ashley threads.
  14. That's nothing to do with Pardew though.
  15. He's on his 5th album now and still knocking out 2 trackers. Where the f*** is the concept album?!! He's never been capable of it in any job he's ever had. Ashley doesn't want a concept album though, He wants one of them £2.99 90's compilations you get by the tills in Morrisons. It's like going to Sports Direct and complaining that they don't have any Gucci suits for sale and should sack the store manager for not stocking them. Is Pardew the store manager? Woeful analogy if so. You're right. FYP.
  16. He's on his 5th album now and still knocking out 2 trackers. Where the f*** is the concept album?!! He's never been capable of it in any job he's ever had. Ashley doesn't want a concept album though, He wants one of them £2.99 90's compilations you get by the tills in Morrisons. It's like going to Sports Direct and complaining that they don't have any Gucci suits for sale and should sack the store manager for not stocking them. Is Pardew the store manager? Woeful analogy if so.
  17. We lost to the worst team in the league yesterday.
  18. That's fine, I'm just pointing out something I see as a positive. What if we did employ a good manager, he had a bad spell, and we sacked him straight away? That hasn't happened here in the Premier League era.
  19. In other words...It's not our fault, the Independent lied to us, we don't really mean that about Colo now we know it's not true. Terrific support for your club captian right there. I'm perfectly capable of expressing myself without it being necessary for you to paraphrase . Peoples opinions were formed by something that is now known to be false. That doesn't stop those people from supporting Coloccini now. I don't see how you can take anything from this experience personally. Anyway I'm happy that the club captain is back for an important game. That's all that matters.
  20. Well exactly, thats the point isnt it? No. The point is the parameter's of this debate have always been the merits and justifications of Colo going back to Argentina. That discussion centred around his private life and the fact that it's the Derby this weekend, following a report from a National Newspaper. To see people now mocking others opinions of what was perceived to be true at the time just seems a bit silly. It's funny that nobody knew what was going on. If you cant make a distinction between a major National running a story and wild conjecture then you probably won't appreciate the above. The Independent is a fairly decent source. As football fan's we will never know exactly what goes on behind the scenes. Doesn't mean we should be silent.
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