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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mahui80Dft1rgjkhbo1_500.gif
  2. Concise and on point. Eh? Not putting a transfer request doesn't necessarily negate anyone's opinion that he may want to go. That is largely the point behind the suspicion of his motives - that he may well be using this to argue constructive dismissal, thereby getting out of his contract and getting a move without foregoing the bonuses he would miss out on if he did hand in a transfer request. Packing his bag for Portugal suggests he wants to stay. No suggestion of him wanting to move for months suggests he wants to stay. His reaction following his goal against Fulham suggests he wants to stay. Cisse's general behaviour, comments and press releases over the past few months suggest he wants to stay. All of these things that are real and have happened negate the opinion that he wants to leave. The argument you have put forward is speculative in the extreme. It is not really based on any evidence. There have been no remarks from the player about wanting to leave and if he was to be involved in such a cynical ploy then it would contradict everything we have learnt about Cisse during his time here. All I have said is that the fact that he hasn't put in a transfer request indicates nothing. If anything it backs up some peoples suspicion. We are all in the dark over this. Someone, preferably Cisse himself needs to come out and clarify his position because as things stand he is starting to get attacked for other aspects in his life and it is helping nobody, not him, the club, or those of us wanting to support him and the club; it just creates more fodder for the press vultures. All I have done is explain why the suspicion is unfounded. Agree we are in the dark, where we shall all probably remain. Not that the darkness will preclude people from stating various opinions and conjectures as fact. Nor will it prevent a rehashing of the same tired points over double digits of pages.
  3. Concise and on point. Eh? Not putting a transfer request doesn't necessarily negate anyone's opinion that he may want to go. That is largely the point behind the suspicion of his motives - that he may well be using this to argue constructive dismissal, thereby getting out of his contract and getting a move without foregoing the bonuses he would miss out on if he did hand in a transfer request. Packing his bag for Portugal suggests he wants to stay. No suggestion of him wanting to move for months suggests he wants to stay. His reaction following his goal against Fulham suggests he wants to stay. Cisse's general behaviour, comments and press releases over the past few months suggest he wants to stay. All of these things that are real and have happened negate the opinion that he wants to leave. The argument you have put forward is speculative in the extreme. It is not really based on any evidence. There have been no remarks from the player about wanting to leave and if he was to be involved in such a cynical ploy then it would contradict everything we have learnt about Cisse during his time here.
  4. But who will float crosses into the box? Jonas doesn't even get the thing past the first man, at least Fergie got some decent crosses in and with some more game time, guess we'll never know. To be clear I meant Jonas cross bad, Ferguson cross good.
  5. Tbf the Eastbourne zimmer-frame relay team could have caused us problems at the back last season fair point. He is hardly in exclusive company.
  6. I actually thought Bent caused us a lot of problems in our home game against villa this season.
  7. Are you serious? Everyone was raving about Shaw last season and how brilliant he was. Are you f***ing serious, or is this just you wanting a 'conversation' ? I'm serious, Shaw had a brilliant season. Didn't he? Shaw did well for his age and experience, to judge a player a decade older with a decade more experience against him is pointless, you just don't have that level of consistency or mental awareness and will always have off days and learning experiences. He destroyed a 17 year old...and? So he f***ing should. But you're talking exclusively about pace? Your Rose example wasn't good anyway, there are a select few players in the league that could beat Rose in a foot race when chasing a ball. Again I mentioned pace then others brought the performances of shaw in to it, not just pace, I just followed up. A 17 year old who's had an excellent season - what's that got to do with pace? Because the conversation was about pace when the Shaw example was brought up. Shaw is documented as being a quick player. You have described him as being average like Debuchy, the same Debuchy that is too slow.
  8. Your posts were easy to construe in the manner that has so aggrieved you because of how they were written. You - He's too Slow Forum - No he's not You - Yes he is got raped by rose. Forum - What about Shaw? Pace was clearly what was in discussion on a simple reading. You have brought in all the stuff about positioning etc and said that it's ridiculous for people to cite Shaw as an example.
  9. Walcott and Owen were both so slow at that age. Only once they hit the 20's did they start to get their natural pace.
  10. http://25.media.tumblr.com/85178c8cb0251add55e82952aa570de3/tumblr_mjqh06j0k71qdojzho1_r1_500.gif
  11. I'm not sure how much he is really running us. It's more like he's just keeping us ticking over.
  12. He's watching the 3 players he mentioned. He's not suggesting all of our players are good at it, that's why it's one of our main training focuses at the minute. Well maybe if he played Marveaux a little more instead of putting f***ing Perch in, it wouldn't have been as bad. See i like this kind of post, it sums him up. Pardew says something and the reality is completely different. The bloke refuses to let the team play and then moans we don't play enough. What a cock. Pardew's obviously had a re-think over the Summer, he can only be proven a hypocrite on what he's currently saying after he's had his chance. True, doesn't explain playing hoofball in the friendly the other night though, of all the times to try something different it's then. He knows no other football, direct unlikable, percentage ugly, whatever you call it. He's a poor Fat Sam. It would seem illogical to me that he would set up to play passing football one match and then the antithesis the next. It may have possibly been other factors not in his control. I understand your frustration and where you're coming from but, personally, I'm prepared to give him a little bit more of a chance to see what he comes up with. Same really. If he believed 100% in negative, conservative football I don't see why he wouldn't just say something like that. I know the evidence of the football we've played isn't great, but let's see what he's learned this season. It benefits him massively to pretend he wants to play positively, as many people lap it up and decide he deserves more time. He's came out with these soundbites many times in the last few years. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php?topic=72878.12605;wap2 A chilling read.
  13. Yes and no. I personally wouldn't pick him very often, and certainly not wide. Say no more.
  14. FWIW I can't wait for the season to start because at least there is some football interspersed with all the nonsense. I hope I will be pleasantly surprised.
  15. Pardew said: “Since I’ve been here I think he’s as good a striker as I’ve ever worked with and he should take that confidence because I’ve worked with a few good ’uns – Zamorra, Tevez, Harewood, Sheringham. “There is no reason why Shola at this late stage in his career can’t have a fantastic end to it.” Just stumbled across this, taken from April 2011.
  16. He's watching the 3 players he mentioned. He's not suggesting all of our players are good at it, that's why it's one of our main training focuses at the minute. It appears I may have misconstrued those quotes. However I'm not sure what he's really getting at. Games got too big and open? Why was that? It certainly wasn't down to the expansive attacking game we were playing. We do need to work on pressing opposition teams more. If that's what he means by tightness then its a step forward. If he is seriously looking at the team and its weaknesses then great. My hunch is that he has always been s*** scared of losing the fans and being hounded out of the club. I think that's why he went so conservative last season despite it being detrimental to the team. You'll have to forgive me for treating what he says as cliché ridden nonsense but we have been here before with him. True, but he has previous for talking shit as we all know so its natural for people to be sceptical. He can only prove the truth of his words by what the players do on the football pitch. So far we have had a floated long ball to Gouffran. I know its a friendly but until the season starts that's all we can go on.
  17. tight fucking spaces?! The amount of teams who bossed the midfield agaisnt us last season just by pressing. What's he watching?
  18. Never has there been a better comparison than Shola with Showumni
  19. He just doesn't care about the club; relegation aside, it's becoming more and more apparent.
  20. At the end of the day you can have all the ability in the world but if the club doesn't achieve any tangible benefit from it it's academic.
  21. Lee was a superb exponent of shooting/passing. Sorry but Cabaye has nowhere near the same levels of ability when it comes to shooting and passing. Lee never had the vision to pick a pass like Cabaye did for Cisse against Stoke. He did it plenty, man. For Keegan and others. for those who haven't got it I'd recommend the 1000 Goals DVD. You really see how good some of our players were.
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