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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Must be the heat because I haven't found anything that funny for a long time.
  2. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7l6kyOpRM1r61j0ao1_250.gif Indeed. http://gifs.gifbin.com/122011/1324405547_dissapointed_chimp.gif why is that monkey wearing clothes?
  3. Tried to get the Missus to get some breast imbants.
  4. People who go on to another team's forum and open a post with 'XYZ' fan in peace.
  5. How do we know this? Not having a go and I have just based my post on an assumption. Just wondered where the 25% profit came from?
  6. Starting to think this is N'Zogbia mark two. Bid for a former player, create a false market, enjoy sell-on clause.
  7. I love it when the press officer says "can we just draw a line under this and move on." Then one of the Journo's just says "What, move on to not doing any more press conferences."
  8. The English club would like to incorporate Douglas and has 4.5 million euros for him. ,, I know nothing of a bid and not my agent, "commented Douglas after FC Twente - Inter Turku (1-1).,, Also of Twente I've heard nothing about. For me it's not concrete. I just want to stay at FC Twente. " The Brazilian defender, now a naturalized Netherlands, beating Inter Turku for the first time this preparation 90 minutes. 'I'm not quite fit, but it went well. They also dropped a lot in, so a defender was not a hard race. With the result, I am not satisfied, we have had more scoring.
  9. The Ameobis are Newcastle's answer to the Kennedys.
  10. Say it loud and there's music playing, Say it soft and it's almost like praying. Anita, I'll never stop saying Anita! The most beautiful sound I ever heard. Anita.
  11. McClaren can do one. Twice he has been running his mouth off in the press. Just looks pathetic. All for managers trying to get best price for a player but he's starting to sound like Phil Brown.
  12. I doubt it - Stretford even had an office in SJP and employed Shepherd's son while Mckay and Shepherd were also said to be close. if anything the gonzalez affair was just another low point in the club's history and i'm glad we've moved on from such amateur nonsense. Fair point regarding Stretford and McKay. That being said there is probably fairly decent grounds for suspecting there was a fair bit of kicking back going on. Also Mike probably has a bit more nouse for getting things done than Freddy. I may well be wrong but aren't the aforementioned also responsible for predominantly English based players? I think you can cite our knowledge of Cabaye's clause and the complete lack of interest from other clubs at that fee as being evidence of strings being pulled somewhere. I mean its all speculation but I find it hard to believe that we can be this efficient in the transfer market without knowing who to talk to and how to get things done.
  13. Don't we look after agents a lot more than we used to? Put them up in nice Hotels and that? This has been an approach used by clubs for a while, Shakhtar Donestk are one example. Certainly we seem to be 'playing the game' with agents a bit more than we used to. Definitely an Ashley thing as evidenced by the initial appointments of Tony Jiminez and Jeff Vetere and the Nacho Gonzalez affair. Its good (and smart) to see us greasing the wheel. Look at the turnover league table. This is one way of us at least being able to attempt to level the playing field.
  14. We're going to make an offer he cannot refuse.
  15. Only seen him a couple of times in pre-season. He looks like a good header of the ball, likes to spray it out wide, not physical but energetic and composed. Possibly the next Guy Ipoua. Early days yet though and I am loathe to draw wild conclusions.
  16. I think the vast majority of transfers in top-flight football are in the pipeline for a considerable period of time. I would very much doubt the club is moving off the back of Rodgers presser a few days ago.
  17. Stick a pony in me pocket I'll fetch the suitcase from the van Cause if you want the best 'uns And you don't ask questions Then brother I'm your man Where it all comes from Is a mystery It's like the changing of the seasons And the tides of the sea But heres the one thats driving me berserk Why do only fools and horses work Seriously though, a list of players has been drawn up and money decided upon. Pards gets asked about negotiations he has nothing to do with whilst on pre-season and says these negotiations are taking place at corporate level. Crazy.
  18. Re the Inter thing I think it's important to keep in mind that he is likely to be negotiating terms with 'a club' very shortly. His hand is strengthened the more suitors he has.
  19. Considering it was supposed to be an offensive term towards blacks can whites take offence to it too? I mean it suggests there is something inherently wrong with being white. Also I know 'wigger' is a slang term for whites acting 'black'* but 'choc ice' seems like a bit more fun, maybe its time whites came up with a new comparable phrase. The ferdinand/cole thing is a symbol of just how much the media is driving this. *as in the negative stereotype of a minority of blacks.
  20. From the little we have seen so far looks like a good acquisition. Obviously raw but seems to be very high tempo and energetic. I would consider myself a budding Bigirimaniac.
  21. Football isn't racist, it's unsavoury and ignorant.
  22. Emre vs Reading, like HBA v Bolton only without the pace for a nice pass into bottom corner finish.
  23. Put it into perspective with what ISN'T taken to court. This is nothing more than bloody name calling, and pandering to a pack of self-serving politically correct types. Even Ferdinand wasn't too happy about it being blow up in the manner it has been. There are people who have been TERRORIZED in their homes and the ones doing it haven't been taken to court. This is a mockery. A turd like Terry is even being held up as being victimized himself - where does it end ? "He THOUGHT in a racist way" ? He "looked at me in a racist manner" ? This kind of thing makes the worst kind of creep into a victim. Welcome to the Folly of Public Order Offences. I'm not saying the FA shouldn't be hard on him btw, if they have a policy on tackling racism on football then it would make sense for them to make an example out of him.
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