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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. Pretty sure that goal line technology would show that’s further over the line than the one that was a gnat’s pube over against us earlier this season. I know it's division 3 but I'm quite surprised the EFL doesn't have the money to kit out all grounds with goal line technology. It's a professional league and can't cost that much, surely?
  2. I only heard feed the scousers once tbf, just after the third went in. Some knobs near me tried to get sign on going at the beginning when they all got their scarves our for YNWA but it didn't really take off. Was better than I expected on that front.
  3. Mike Dean has a face you could never tire of slamming a car door on while holding it in the way. And that's before he even picked up a whistle for the first time.
  4. Not at SJP I don't think, but loads of times at away games. If the pair of you have never heard it at SJP you must be very young. It was the norm believe me Can fully imagine it being an absolute cesspit in the '80s like. I'm a scumbag '92er so I've never heard it. "He's black, he's broon, he plays for the Toon, Franz Carr, Franz Carr!" used to get the occasional airing in the 91/92 season. Heard a couple years ago that in the 90s some of the older members of our support used to refer to Andy Cole by the affectionate nickname "Blackie Milburn." Never heard it at the time myself like.
  5. Terrible Worst chant of the day was three lads in the bar afterwards trying to get this going: "I would rather have a rondon, rather have a rondon, rather have a rondon than a condom." It didn't catch on
  6. The last one was narrated by MLF gina mckee and when peter reid wasn't swearing it primarily featured interviews with the same recurring sunderland fans through the season. It was what made it mint. There's no fun Netflix running a program that goes "hey everybody, this is sunderland afc lets al laugh at how shit they are. Oh look they've gone and got themselves relegated to division three now, ha ha dumbasses." It'll be funny because this is them trying to present themselves to the outside world in the best possible light and it'll still be shit. Admittedly it won't have the comedy gold of announcing the new stadium name and the feller in the butchers is unlikely to make an appearance but I reckon it will be good for a few laughs.
  7. They tried that with Premier Passions, the whole basis was about how special the club is, the passion is passed down from generation to generation of salt of the earth shipbuilders etc. They looked bad.
  8. Been reliably informed by a sunderland season ticket holder that the new owners binned that policy at the start of the season.
  9. What was his argument like? Was it "no Yedlin wasn't pulled back?" (He clearly was) or was it along the lines if "he was pulled back but no it doesn't count as a foul." If so, why? Shirt tugging is a foul regardless of how hard the shirt is tugged. Is it because it was on a Newcastle player? I'd imagine he wasn't challenged any further on it but I'd love to know what the fucking logic is behind that position.
  10. Pen for me but I can see why he's given high feet
  11. That would explain it then Still a good tackle mind, shouldn't have been a free kick. Cracking goal there from boca!!
  12. Not sure what that free kick was given for in Boca-River? And surely once given it had to be red not yellow, being last man just outside the D??
  13. Almost 6 years ago. If I didn’t laugh I’d cry. I got it wrong, but there's barely any difference. It was January 2014 the last time an opposition player was sent off, and December 2013 the last time we had any man advantage. Think it’s 18 PL red cards shown to us in a row now since the last one in our favour. 18 in a row......absolutely nothing suspect about that at all. How many pens for and against in the same time also - I know teams get bad decisions but the facts don't lie where we are concerned. It's not just the.numbers it's the context behind it. I'm fucking sick of seeing the opposition constantly being given the benefit of the doubt whereas any opportunity to show our players a red card and out it comes. It's like there's a secret fund all clubs pay into for the referees xmas party and we're too tight to chip in, or something. The penalties thing I'm not as concerned about, most controversial decisions against us that I can recall have mainly been against the top teams and everyone else has to deal with that.
  14. Yep, the usual suspects will already be moist at the japs eye in anticipation of the opportunity to embarrass themselves/the club/the north east in general.
  15. It's a cowards challenge that. If you're jumping for leverage you use both arms. He basically saw perez jumping and thought he'd stick a limb on him before he got clattered
  16. Definitely. If that was Newcastle breaking away he'd blow up to stop play immediately. He just loves controversy and making everything about him. Blokes a massive tit.
  17. That red card is hard to take because a) it's the same mike dean who thought luiz wasn't the last man when he brought demba ba down and b) their player actually tugged yedlins sleeve first when running past, it should have been a free kick to us. I wouldn't expect the ref to spot tbf but I don't understand why the sky commentators haven't after seeing 3 replays.
  18. Just seen this gem from Meth-head, giving it a massive "our fans" about the prospect of getting over 40k on boxing day: "The last third tier game to achieve it was the 1979 Sheffield derby at Hillsborough - if it were out our derby, we'd sell out easily too! "So, in reality, 40,000 against BCFC would be the highest single 'normal' game attendance in 50 odd years at this level." He's certainly been working hard at his mackem logic, and used "in reality" when he really meant "if you ignore reality." I'm not sure if he's just a construct of RTG at this point.
  19. Thought the same. He was a bit unlucky with one earlier in the season but that one on Saturday looked like a "proper" red from the tv replay. Saw a lot of online comments suggesting that there was a player in the way and the ref couldn't possibly have seen it. Maybe he told the fa he hadn't seen it properly and they rescinded it on that basis or something??
  20. That's very weird because they sure as shit didn't make a £40m transfer profit last summer like we did the summer before the championship.
  21. He's clearly full of shit like, but I'd rather have some of that than ashley/charnley talking the club down and making it sound like they're doing us a favour in running a professional football club at all.
  22. Looking at nufc twitter is horrendous at the minute. If there were as many people prepared to go after Ashley for ruining their club as there are prepared to go after the magpie group for daring to suggest a boycott then we'd have some protest group going on as a fanbase!!
  23. Just had a quick read of RTG and it's funny as f*** how upset they get when we win. I've read things like "they'll think they're going to get into the Champions League now" and "Lucky t***s as usual". It's amazing how much we actually effect their lives. When we lose it's celebration time for them, no matter what their own result is. When we win though they just can't seem to handle it at all and they start coming out with all the usual anti NUFC cliches. Proper ruined their weekend today. Are they doing that thing where if we win it's all down to ashley and we're a bunch of ingrates for not praising him?? It's peak sewpa dewpa mackem bantz!!
  24. It would mean being the best in England like it currently does. If some of the other teams want to become European teams, they are welcome to it. I'd rather be part of a domestic league that was about football than a European league that was all about money. Yup. I think people would get over it pretty quickly tbh. At least, fans of the clubs that don't join Europe. I still don't fully understand how it would be viable in the long run, though. The same European teams competing over and over will get boring, surely? How much of a travelling contingent will you realistically get week in, week out, which would affect atmosphere? It's all well and good relying on the TV money it produces but I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see clubs running back to their domestic leagues in less than a decade. Unfortunately, you know the arseholes in the FA would welcome them back with open arms. It would be properly s*** if your club did it. £100 tickets, crowds that were 90% tourists and not being able to do away games. A bit like following a plastic glory team like Barca or Real Madrid. Aye. The plans might be in place but it'll not go ahead like. Mainly because it's a really really shit short-sighted idea that even Fifa aren't stupid enough to endorse. I can't stand man utd or their fans but there is no way that their core support would tolerate that without a massive fucking boot off. That said, they'll have a ready made lower league team to watch instead by then anyway. Can't see many German teams going through with it either given that fans can effectively control their decision making. Shame like, I'd really like the idea of a competitive English league without the"super six" and all the hype that comes with it.
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