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Everything posted by geordiesteve710

  1. This Oh Aye, it'll showcase the north east at its finest!!
  2. Sort of understand what you are saying and I think most on here wanted him to succeed as he seems like a decent bloke. Fact is though he's not good enough and is now talking s**** to cover how badly we have been playing. I didn't think he was the right manager when appointed, but seemed to be an upgrade on Carvdew and really wanted to give him a chance, not least because he seemed like a decent, honest bloke. The comments have got more and more ridiculous/Pardew-esque and to be frank he lost me with his ridiculous totting up and bragging about attempted crosses after the Watford Cup game. With every passing week he seems more and more the chancer who is doing anything he can to cling onto his last premier league paycheck for as long as possible by pulling the wool over his thick bosses' eyes.
  3. Short term, it's potentially the best option. Him and Colo know each other's game well enough, and he normally has 4 or 5 good games back before losing concentration and getting sent off/losing concentration, being shit and getting dropped/tripping over the touchline and getting injured. The next 3 home games are crucial (we can forget about getting anything from Chelsea away) and he's probably a better option than hoying Janmaat at CB and shoe-horning someone else in at RB or whatever other options we have available as a club. What have we come to as a club man??
  4. Two more defeats and he's gone I reckon. We all know Ashley loves an international break-sized gap between games to make his big announcements. Problem is, which dinosaur would get hired next? Ron Atkinson? Dave Bassett? There's no way a Rodgers or even a Moyes would work under this set of cunts.
  5. You, sir. You are insane. What's the alternative? Let him support someone else? That wouldn't feel right. I'm born and bred as a Tynesider, my family all bleed black and white, my grandfather and great uncles were present for Fair Cup finals. He would be the first male in my family to change football teams. It's no small thing that you know. You still living in the North East? No. Ah right, would be interested to know if many kids in Newcastle and Sunderland are becoming glory hunters or if the most are still supporting the local teams You're right by the way to encourage your kid to support Newcastle. Will give you something to bond over as he grows older I don't live in Newcastle anymore, but go back very regularly. I've noticed a rise in the number of young uns wearing tops of other teams- Man City in particular. Back when I was growing up it wasn't like that at all, if you lived in Newcastle and didn't support Newcastle you either had family roots from elsewhere or you were, well, a bit of an odd kid. I do wonder how much of this change is down to the success bought by your Man City/Chelsea, and how much is down to the current NUFC regime letting the club turn to shit. I have a feeling the real damage done by Ashley won't become apparent for another 10-15 years.
  6. Got his fetlocks wired tbh
  7. I think some of the journalists had already written their stories on it to be honest. There were songs sung and booing at the end as well as abuse from about half the fans there, but nothing like the ferocity of the Leicester cup game last season imo. Most of the negativity was directed at the club in general for being shit and Ashley, but there was an airing of "don't know what you're doing" aimed at McClaren just after he subbed Mbabu. The chanting really started about 20 minutes from the end, but was as half-hearted as the support had been beforehand imo. What really struck me most of all was the air of resignation to it all. Just my opinion, but it seems that apathy rather than anger is what has really kicked in for a large proportion of fans. But it's harder for Ryder/Douglas/Edwards to make as good a headline out of that.
  8. Ahh but its different when your fans favourite player does it. So many hypocrites in our support. Name a fans favourite who has done what Thauvin allegedly did? Tbf Perez did something similar (going down and staying down for no reason when the match carried on) at Bournemouth in front of the away fans, and tbf he got pelters off most the fans for it and all- and he'd already scored what turned out to be the only goal of the game!!! Suppose the big difference is we weren't desperate for an equaliser with 3 minutes left at the time.
  9. Were you at the match yesterday? Miscontrolled a ball early on and that was it from open play, head went down, didn't want to chase anything, didn't look particularly interested full stop. I wouldn't blame him for being demotivated at the club, but giving up isn't going to help. The body language thing is just as bad when Costa does it, and tbf he gets grief off Chelsea fans/media. I'm not in favour of ridiculing him, but I do expect him to apply himself properly and look like he's trying- moreso in light of the fact he hasn't scored many goals- and if he doesn't it's worthy of criticism regardless of nationality. Doesn't mean I'm hanging around to flick Vs at him after the match either mind
  10. Not that I saw. We didn't get into Millers as it was designated for them only, most of our fans seemed to have just gone straight through to Watford, didn't see many til we got there.
  11. Its absolutely nothing to do with foreigners man. Its the fact that they're all s***, week in week out regardless of nationality. Aye but with likes of Mitrovic/Thauvin, they are young lads coming from abroad having to adapt to the league very quickly and a new lifestyle in general. There's no support from the fans if they don't hit the ground running. They're young, they're going to make mistakes, they're going to do certain things wrong or say the wrong things in the media. Our fans would have them shipped off back where they came from if given the chance. Fans moan when players don't come over and acknowledge their 'support' at final whistle and walk straight down tunnel. Yet when they do come over, they just get yelled to f*** off and w***** signs shown at them. When I was down at West Brom, Thauvin was first of a handful who came over and clapped. The abuse he got was a disgrace for the lad, he'd been on the pitch for about 5 minutes. This I agree with. Was embarrassing at the end yesterday. Half the fans sort of half-heartedly applauded them off, the other half seemed to want to abuse anyone they could. As if its the players fault the state the club is in. And don't get me started on "we want our money back."
  12. What should I say about his attitude then Brett? Having strolled around the pitch in a strop looking like he doesn't give a shit for 90 minutes, Alexander Mitrovic's attitude was spot on and well played son?? The rest of them at least seemed to be trying yesterday, he stuck out like a sore thumb. We need to see more of the player who came on against Spurs and turned the game around with fire in his belly. If he misses a few chances along the way, that's more than forgivable. I'd hope the "white shola" comment was tongue in cheek mind!!
  13. Same old, though, isn't it? Create decent opportunities but continue to fluff them. Normally we don't even create chances We didn't today either aside from Perez first half. That's why McClaren is left clutching at statistics about crosses attempted. The highlights probably made us look good because tbf Watford were worse than us and offered nowt going forward.
  14. If the reaction was just based on today he'd maybe have a point. But it's not. The fans are sick of being shit game after game, year after year, sick of the club, Ashley, McClaren himself. He just doesn't get it. And he can fuck the fuck off with this "25 crosses" bullshit. Since when do you brag about putting in a cross every 3 and a half minutes? Ludicrous comment to make.
  15. No, but his attitude was diabolical. I think he has the attributes to succeed in English football, but he'll have to apply himself a lot more than he has recently. Yes the service is wank, but just shrugging his shoulders and sulking every time he makes a mistake/ a team-mate doesn't pass to him/ he doesn't get a decision from the ref doesn't do him or us any favours.
  16. Apparently Ashley messed up with online sales when he added a delivery charge to your order even when you pick it up in store, he was advised not to do it but did it anyway Ok, that definetely does not support my statement that he is a good businessman But on the other hand it does at least back up all of your previous statements about what a shitcunt he is. Glass half full and all that.
  17. Won't see him until Southampton away in April, nailed on.
  18. What's the fucking point in that?? Watford, along with Palace and maybe West Ham are the clubs who immediately spring to mind when I think of the cup this year. It should be their absolute over-riding priority for the rest of the season surely!! If you can't have a go at the cup, what's the point in mid-table stability anyway?
  19. Saturday - Tuesday due to BT Sport. Virtually everyone else is playing Wednesday. It shouldn't be an issue but they're all moaning about it and blaming the PL itself for it's contempt for the FA Cup as the FA and the FA Premier League are completely separate. Notice how nobody gives a f*** about playing midweek matches when they're in the Champions League? Vacuous pricks.
  20. The whole thing is hilarious, but what really creased me for some reason was the last sentence"we have our own cameras... but they are no use for a fish quiz." As if Pardew drove someone to writing that!!
  21. We couldn't afford/wouldn't pay for Jordan Rhodes, so the king went gobbing off in the media about how limited a player he is and he wasn't of the standard to play for NUFC. Was probably the absolute worst of all the things he said while he was here- an unprovoked attack on a professional playing in the division below and even more galling as if we had picked him up on the cheap (which is what I'm guessing we tried to do), he would have been full of what a great striker he is and I must thank Mike for getting him over the line etc. Was truly abysmal.
  22. You laugh but if you knew much about business and the economy it honestly is about being in the right place at the right time. Obviously the harder you work and the more intelligent you are the greater chance you have of making it, but do you not think 100s of other people aren't doing exactly that as well? Do you think when Ashley set up his first store he planned the recession? It's no coincidence his value has grown massively since 2007 in so many different ways. He started off with a 10,000 (the equivalent of 31,000 now) loan from his family. How many families do you know will remortgage their house so they can loan their son 31,000 for a new business? To most people the dream would have stopped right there. Didn't he fall out with them, after not paying it back or something along those lines? Yep, iirc he's pretty much estranged from his parents (who are not exactly well off) over it. You know that saying about someone would sell their granny for a few quid? Well swap "granny" for "mam" and "a few quid" for "a slightly smaller liabilities total on the balance sheet" and that's exactly what this cunt did. He's beyond parody man, a despicable human being by any measure make no mistake.
  23. You'd think so, but you know fine well they'll be absolutely full of their mint 6 in a row world champions banter.
  24. You're a lovely man, it's a lovely forum. From a lovely drunk.
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