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Everything posted by gjohnson

  1. Sod the football, I'd pay to watch that
  2. Certainly before its time. If it came out now (as adidas and not puma) pretty sure it would be liked...not maroon and blue hooped liked, but still popular. Fix the colour and its a winner. Although....change the orange and green for black and white, lighten up the purple/blue and there's a masterpiece
  3. I got that in Magaluf the summer it came out, weeks before it had been released in the UK. Walked through Newcastle airport like royalty, everyone was coming up to me asking where I'd got it from. Id love to see this design return. Just a pity it didn't come out while we were decent, otherwise it might have been remembered more fondly. Unfortunately it is associated with a team that fell from 2nd to 13th and lost a cup final. Seem to recall it was only worn once too (vs Leeds?) A decent team seems to make a kit more memorable....example the banana/custard cream kit. By every reasonable metric it's horrific to look at, but it was liked as it was associated with a good enjoyable season
  4. Wasn't it 'How's the bacon, did you say?'
  5. https://www.google.com/search?q=99+newcastle+away&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB900GB900&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGoKLdhcfpAhUDSBUIHQoKBsQQ_AUoAnoECA0QBA&biw=1366&bih=657#imgrc=D26xd1Kd-YUUAM
  6. https://dnre29p915wg3.cloudfront.net/media/catalog/product/cache/1/thumbnail/700x700/0dc2d03fe217f8c83829496872af24a0/n/e/newcastle-97-away-use_18_2_1_1_4_1.jpg Hated this one when it came out, but like it now as it's so different, and was surprised to find it is actually historically relevant
  7. When you can afford a Ferrari, you don't go looking for Mondeo
  8. Perhaps a different way to look at the letters.... What is actually trying to be achieved by them? Attention to Saudi's terrible human rights record - I think is a fair comment. If the letters succeed, PIF moves on to another investment and Newcastle is never brought up again by any of the individuals or agencies involved and they move on to the next highest profile investment whoever that is, be it Disney/Uber/LiveNAtion. If they fail, Newcastle is taken over and there is relative semi-permanent eyes on everything they do. Neither will succeed in bringing the journalist back, but both have raised the attention. Only issue is one way is potentially very good for NUFC and the region on a sporting front the other is not. Whatever happens once it's all done and dusted either way its unlikely that the fiance will ever be heard again in relation to Newcastle
  9. That is nonsense. Chelsea have arguably the best academy in the country now, they’ve also built a brand so they can be pretty much self sufficient and don’t really need an owner to be injecting cash. No doubt Man City are here to stay but they will have some ups and downs too especially if Pep leaves. Maybe, maybe not. My opinion is that if they hadn't been forced to rely on it due to their transfer ban, players like Mount, Odio, and possibly Abraham wouldn't be in their first team at all
  10. He's no Shearer or Ferdinand. Probably a bit more of a goal scorer than Asprilla, but no where near as entertaining
  11. True, but he's only getting those questions so much because Staveley told him she was gonna pass the test imminently, nearly 3 weeks ago now. So he should be annoyed at her surely There is no definitive proof that Staveley is his source or that he does even have a source It's just about obvious that she is, she's done an interview for him previously. My biggest concern with Caulkin is that his source previously led him down the garden path with the BZG deal which george nicely described afterwards as 'bollocks from the start'. If a source has previously given information which turns out to be false or incorrect I would not be so quick to use any future information from them Eh? Didnt Caulkin pretty much dampen that one from day one. He was fairly consistent. Also, it's not the same source FFS. Its clear AS is confident. Whether she should be is a different story entirely. Which is why I agree that Staveley may not be his source. It is not an assault on Georges character. Im just making the point that no resepcted journalist would rely on a poor source One way or another, once it's done the decision will leak. Too many people with big mouths wanting relevance to the biggest football story outside of Restart for it to stay quiet. Even Chimp Mitts will want to know answer so he can complain or declare himself the saviour of the Premier League in the Middle East. No way he would keep quiet
  12. True, but he's only getting those questions so much because Staveley told him she was gonna pass the test imminently, nearly 3 weeks ago now. So he should be annoyed at her surely There is no definitive proof that Staveley is his source or that he does even have a source It's just about obvious that she is, she's done an interview for him previously. My biggest concern with Caulkin is that his source previously led him down the garden path with the BZG deal which george nicely described afterwards as 'bollocks from the start'. If a source has previously given information which turns out to be false or incorrect I would not be so quick to use any future information from them Eh? Didnt Caulkin pretty much dampen that one from day one. He was fairly consistent. Also, it's not the same source FFS. Its clear AS is confident. Whether she should be is a different story entirely. Which is why I agree that Staveley may not be his source. It is not an assault on Georges character. Im just making the point that no resepcted journalist would rely on a poor source One way or another, once it's done the decision will leak. Too many people with big mouths wanting relevance to the biggest football story outside of Restart for it to stay quiet.
  13. Threatened of course. Have you ever seen one of these protectors of justice put Bruce's name forward for the Arsenal, Manure, Spurs jobs over the past few year? Even suggest him for the likes of Southampton, Everton, West Ham, Watford or bloody Norwich? Beyond that it is a jobs for the boys, buddy protection ring. Same with the players speaking out. They have it good and keep each other employed. The supposed player noise for us is all about survival. All the guff will be gone if this goes through. Their only hope is Bruce staying so they can coast some more for a little longer. I do actually remember Paul Ince saying Bruce would be perfect for Man Utd a while back. Says it all really https://talksport.com/football/462472/manchester-united-next-manager-latest-paul-ince-urges-club-to-replace-jose-mourinho-with-steve-bruce-instead-of-ole-gunnar-solskjaer/
  14. Threatened of course. Have you ever seen one of these protectors of justice put Bruce's name forward for the Arsenal, Manure, Spurs jobs over the past few year? Even suggest him for the likes of Southampton, Everton, West Ham, Watford or bloody Norwich? Beyond that it is a jobs for the boys, buddy protection ring. Same with the players speaking out. They have it good and keep each other employed. The supposed player noise for us is all about survival. All the guff will be gone if this goes through. Their only hope is Bruce staying so they can coast some more for a little longer. I do actually remember Paul Ince saying Bruce would be perfect for Man Utd a while back. Says it all really
  15. Playing the worst football in years, and having attacking statistics that make Derby's 11points team look positively brilliant should be enough to convince anyone it's been a bad job. Football isn't based on statistics mind, it's based on results. The results were okay overall. For looking forward indeed they are not. For looking back they are indicative of a teams actual performance and normally suggest of what the results should have been. Going by ours Bruce is either a total genius, or just lucky.
  16. Playing the worst football in years, and having attacking statistics that make Derby's 11points team look positively brilliant should be enough to convince anyone it's been a bad job.
  17. Everything is taking longer at the minute due to lock down. Started a new job yesterday and literally told not too come back in till after lockdown. Just means some things will take longer than normal. If anything significant happens, someone who actually knows will say something.
  18. gjohnson

    Kevin Keegan

  19. Literally no reason for any private plane relating to Newcastle landing there. Why spend 4 hours on a plane you can send anywhere just to spend another 30/40 mins in a car
  20. Or just make them watch every 90 minutes from this season. Clockwork Orange style, and preferably in slow motion to prolong the misery
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