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Everything posted by r0cafella

  1. Slim to none. Ten Hagen and Courtouis will be the young goal keepers to get imo.
  2. Napoli have been poor tonight. Higuain is really looking crucial to everything they do without him they are a shadow of what they've been showing.
  3. Another top notch Save from Fraser
  4. More than Elliot is what he's got...
  5. Exactly I'm really worried how bad our morale will be with the fixtures we have coming up
  6. Yup Napoli can't even get near him
  7. Yup he was making all the right noises too. Fat chance mike would have paid his wages though
  8. Which happen week in and week out... No they don't. a lot of the goals we concede appear to be down to this, How many times have people slagged off various players already? Debuchy, Santon, Colo and & Mbiwa last night. We must have some of the most error prone defenders in the league. Well, there wouldn't be many mistakes in football if players didn't make mistakes. Our players aren't perfect, they make mistakes, as does every other defender. When they do, they deserve criticism, and when it happens often, they need dropping or replacing. I'm not denying defensive organisation is part of the problem (our high number of goals conceeded since the start of last season), but there's more to it than that, such as seasoned professionals not even challenging for a bouncing goal kick.. It appears their is a lack of ownership being taken by everyone in the team. But Pardew is the one selecting the players, he's the one coaching them day in and day out. No one should have a clearer idea of who is good at what. Every single player we've bought has regressed under him. Pardew must go, I don't need convincing about that. It just bugs me people will blindly point at him and let Colo off the hook for schoolboy errors the latter (and others) made.. But there's no solution to that other than getting shot of the manager is there? Yes we can buy four centre halves in January, two new full backs, along with a new midfield and three new forward players (arf!) but is anyone convinced that would solve the problem? I'd put heavy wedge on the new players making exactly the same cock-ups a year down the line. Sick of reading the same constant cycle of criticism, which comes up with the valuable insight that all the players in the entire squad are s*** (apart from the one who's only been here a month, funny that) and that what we really need in the team right now is the ones who've been out of the team for a while because I've forgotten how s*** they are. I don't think it really needs pointing out that the players individually and as a team have been dreadful for over a year. Pointing out individual errors isn't going to solve the problem, and going off the evidence of last January, nor is replacing the players. So what's the solution? There's only one. Rounds of applause. This is spot on.
  9. Hope Pardew is watching Arsenal. They show how easy it is to close down and press properly.
  10. Which happen week in and week out... No they don't. a lot of the goals we concede appear to be down to this, How many times have people slagged off various players already? Debuchy, Santon, Colo and & Mbiwa last night. We must have some of the most error prone defenders in the league. Well, there wouldn't be many mistakes in football if players didn't make mistakes. Our players aren't perfect, they make mistakes, as does every other defender. When they do, they deserve criticism, and when it happens often, they need dropping or replacing. I'm not denying defensive organisation is part of the problem (our high number of goals conceeded since the start of last season), but there's more to it than that, such as seasoned professionals not even challenging for a bouncing goal kick.. It appears their is a lack of ownership being taken by everyone in the team. But Pardew is the one selecting the players, he's the one coaching them day in and day out. No one should have a clearer idea of who is good at what. Every single player we've bought has regressed under him. Pardew must go, I don't need convincing about that. It just bugs me people will blindly point at him and let Colo off the hook for schoolboy errors the latter (and others) made.. I'm not letting anyone off personally. But I will reserve judgement on our entire squad until I see then play under a manager of some ability.
  11. I agree but his limitations as an actual footballer is what makes me feel as if we can't play him.
  12. You know things are bad when people are clamoring for Williamson to brought into the starting eleven
  13. Which happen week in and week out... No they don't. a lot of the goals we concede appear to be down to this, How many times have people slagged off various players already? Debuchy, Santon, Colo and & Mbiwa last night. We must have some of the most error prone defenders in the league. Well, there wouldn't be many mistakes in football if players didn't make mistakes. Our players aren't perfect, they make mistakes, as does every other defender. When they do, they deserve criticism, and when it happens often, they need dropping or replacing. I'm not denying defensive organisation is part of the problem (our high number of goals conceeded since the start of last season), but there's more to it than that, such as seasoned professionals not even challenging for a bouncing goal kick.. It appears their is a lack of ownership being taken by everyone in the team. But Pardew is the one selecting the players, he's the one coaching them day in and day out. No one should have a clearer idea of who is good at what. Every single player we've bought has regressed under him.
  14. Exactly, I'm sorry but when everyone in the side is making individual errors I think it's time to look at the bigger picture.
  15. Which happen week in and week out... No they don't. a lot of the goals we concede appear to be down to this, How many times have people slagged off various players already? Debuchy, Santon, Colo and & Mbiwa last night. We must have some of the most error prone defenders in the league.
  16. Dear god you are thick. With Taylor being injured if you don't play Williamson you have to play Colo and Mbwia who up until yesterday had conceded 6 in a game and a half. Surely not too difficult to grasp. But we will be facing Fraser Campbell this weekend who isn't no great shakes in the air but is quick. Williamson is slow as f***in awful on the ball. Again it's the organisation of the defense which is the main issue here
  17. Back to hoof ball and inviting even more pressure if we have williamson and colo
  18. We have no width from any of our attacking players they all come in field. I'm not sure having our fullbacks sit back and defend is a good idea it will just make us easier to play against. We need Pardew to actually do what he claims to be good at and coach the team into playing as a unit and pressing cohesively. I've said it over and over we have no defensive structure our players haven't been instructed how to defend properly. We don't press, we don't get tight we aren't compact & we live oceans of space between our lines. As long as we defend in this nondescript way we will be punished.
  19. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    I saw a tweet from someone last night (Mark Duffy) who said the press are ready to put knives into Pardew now. Did they get a green light from the press ombudsman or something? I haven't seen anyone speak badly about him in the press. He has had such a easy ride the media have sucked up his multitude of excuses.
  20. @ ronaldo You do realise Taylor isn't very good right?
  21. Hatem was played out of position last night. I don't understand why he's getting flack for it, he actually tried to make things happen in the first half
  22. Supposed to be. The rumour was that Carr had him lined up and Kinnear blocked it, which is a worry. If true, Carr presumably realised we needed someone a bit more imposing in that position, but was undermined. Fixed
  23. 4 central midfielders and 2 strikers? In a 4231 looks like a Pardew team
  24. Its always this way when he gets shoved out wide. After all he only started playing their when we signed him and our tactical mastermind got hold of him.
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