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Everything posted by r0cafella

  1. Set pieces and City missed chance after chance. No worries, we've got a 6'4" at the back Tbf he has played very well, but Cardiff have put it in the air to him, weirdly. He's even made a couple of short passes, and that's a couple more than I expected. The only thing he did wrong was be on the wrong side at that late free kick. Other than that he's been excellent. Aye long may his performance continue too. It's good to see our pressing be more cohesive too it's more in sync now if that makes sense. We are also getting tighter in midfield, I think Alan watched Bayern in midweek and took notes. Cardiff haven't helped themselves giving it away in the middle so often but we have taken advantage brilliantly. Indeed I know Tiote has been prone to the odd charge forward but for the most part he's anchored and let Cabaye and Moussa drift further upfield. All in all we are better in all areas of the pitch
  2. Set pieces and City missed chance after chance. No worries, we've got a 6'4" at the back Tbf he has played very well, but Cardiff have put it in the air to him, weirdly. He's even made a couple of short passes, and that's a couple more than I expected. The only thing he did wrong was be on the wrong side at that late free kick. Other than that he's been excellent. Aye long may his performance continue too. It's good to see our pressing be more cohesive too it's more in sync now if that makes sense. We are also getting tighter in midfield, I think Alan watched Bayern in midweek and took notes.
  3. Set pieces and City missed chance after chance. No worries, we've got a 6'4" at the back Tbf he has played very well, but Cardiff have put it in the air to him, weirdly. He's even made a couple of short passes, and that's a couple more than I expected.
  4. This, bit early to talk about defensive success' when we are playing against one of the most toothless attacks in the league. Thrilled to be winning mind, I just hope it continues.
  5. it'll get ignored by most. Not by me, Huge Cabaye fan personally.
  6. Fuck off, everytime we get the ball we knock it long. We just invite pressure on ourselves gifting the ball back to the opposition. And we wonder why our defence is shit.
  7. Really hoping this is Pardew's Shearer Gullit moment. As everyone else has said dropping Anita is criminal.
  8. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Knowing our luck the bombshell would be the board backing Pardew and extending his contract until 2047
  9. Must have a tackle, even if that tackle is from a clueless out of from, fouling idiot who offers the defence no protection of any kind. Alan Pardew, professional manager. Dropping Anita is stupid at least he offers some protection to the back four. The problem with Tiote is he's like a dog with a bone he wants to run off chasing shadows leaving gaps in front of the defence for the opposition to exploit.
  10. That's nice. Well i hope NUFC fans weren't expecting to see Ben Arfa like the posters shows
  11. I forgot Williamson starts too, time to prepare for hoofball again. Serious question, what the fuck did we do in pre season? what did we work on exactly?
  12. Meltdown can now commence On a serious note. Fuck off cuntface your a shit manager with no sense or ability.
  13. What was said mate? Pardew was saved by 2nd half on Monday and defensive performance was embarrassing. Also said we need to play our best players to stand a chance of winning etc. Cheers mate that is spot on. I think their needs to be more of a spotlight on Pardew from the wider media. Not enough questions being asked in regards to so many poor individual performances. @ bimpy I have the same morbid interest today as well, of he makes wholesale changes its cutting our noses off to spite our face imo
  14. I'm having a penny Sissoko is on wing and not Jonas who isn't starting imo. Either way it's a mental selection. Tiote in CM ahead of Anita and Sissoko. Wtf. Forgot about moussa but who will play on the other flank? And I forgot about moussa for good reason every time he's on the flanks his performance's are non existent. I swear Pardew complains about injuries but you give him a fully fit squad and he still plays players out of position. He's such a c*** I think it's going to be this Krul Debuchy Colo Williamson Santon Sissoko Cabaye Tiote Gouffran Cisse Remy Awful unbalanced team and yet another change of formation. He's approaching the likes of fat Sam and Sourness levels of stupidity It's the selection of winger positions filled by non wingers that does my head in. It's as if he doesn't know any other way of using the player (except in a 4-3-3). Actually he doesn't know how to use them any other way. The prat. Doesn't matter who plays wide for us they always end up standing right on top of our fullbacks anyways. I guess in 30 minutes we will know either way who will be out their for us today
  15. I'm having a penny Sissoko is on wing and not Jonas who isn't starting imo. Either way it's a mental selection. Tiote in CM ahead of Anita and Sissoko. Wtf. Forgot about moussa but who will play on the other flank? And I forgot about moussa for good reason every time he's on the flanks his performance's are non existent. I swear Pardew complains about injuries but you give him a fully fit squad and he still plays players out of position. He's such a c*** I think it's going to be this Krul Debuchy Colo Williamson Santon Sissoko Cabaye Tiote Gouffran Cisse Remy Awful unbalanced team and yet another change of formation. He's approaching the likes of fat Sam and Sourness levels of stupidity
  16. I'm having a penny Sissoko is on wing and not Jonas who isn't starting imo. Either way it's a mental selection. Tiote in CM ahead of Anita and Sissoko. Wtf. Forgot about moussa but who will play on the other flank? And I forgot about moussa for good reason every time he's on the flanks his performance's are non existent. I swear Pardew complains about injuries but you give him a fully fit squad and he still plays players out of position. He's such a cunt
  17. r0cafella

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Love the logic of those stats. Tackles now equate to defensive performance I see? Ever heard of jockeying? Besides letting Ben arfa tackle would lead to us being milked for free kicks and the like and considering we are quite a small side it could be a blessing
  18. Of this is true let the meltdown commence. 442 means either gouff or Jonas playing as orthodox wingers too. Depressing as fuck
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