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Everything posted by r0cafella

  1. Proof will be in the pudding next game, if we revert to 4-4-2 we know Pardew has thrown the towel in and gone back in to his shell
  2. r0cafella


    I think some of us myself included are envious of the incisiveness of their owner. He sees that he has made a mistake and he tries to rectify it. A stark contrast from Mr Ashley
  3. Just read this you make really good points IMO. Just goes to show how bad we actually are. It appears we are poorly drilled to be honest the errors made are schoolboy to be frank. Faster we get rid of this manager the better he doesn't even have a footballing philosophy ffs
  4. r0cafella


    Bielsa is un-employed to be fair
  5. r0cafella


    Could be Schteeve mc To be honest if they got Steve Mclaren I'd be jealous. I'd take him over Pardew personally
  6. r0cafella


    That mackem sky presenter said on twitter they have a contingency plan. Sounds more and more like Pulis.
  7. r0cafella


    It's the whole thing though isn't it? Appointing him in the first place you'd know his methods and that frankly he's a bit mental. You either see those through or don't bother employing him. Sure, they've been w*** so far but they've brought in over 10 new players and given him 5 matches. It's ridiculous really. It does appear that way on the face of it but if the players are refusing to play they don't have much choice imo.
  8. r0cafella


    They sound like some of our fans who keep talking about our 5th place as a reason to stick by Pardew
  9. r0cafella


    To be fair to them, I'm convinced that they would have gone down if they hadn't sacked O'Neill. Appointing Di Canio, worked for them short term and they might be better off now. Have to agree with this. He did what was needed for them. I hate to say this but it appears the mackems actually have some ambition and won't accept the poor results with PDC has shown
  10. r0cafella


    Rather them take Pardew to be honest
  11. r0cafella


    Isn't that what everyone else has said? Certain people are posting how managers don't get enough time and they have a short shelf life. The risks are simply too high to keep around managers who may come good. The mackems biggest mistake was allowing him to bring in all those piss pot players he bought
  12. r0cafella


    I can't believe some on here, PDC Is a car crash of a manager its a great move for them. He clearly lost the dressing room with his moronic ways only idiots like us stick with crap managers and talk about stability
  13. Higuain makes it 2-0 I could never understand why Madrid let him go instead of benzema
  14. City have really shown how effective a aggressive press can be. Oh and they played midweek as well.
  15. Keep Anita where he is. If we put him right back we revert to hoofball again or Tiote being caught in possession as he'd be the deepest of our midfielders. I'd rather see Santon at right back and Dummett at left back personally.
  16. Taggart f***ed up by messing Pogba about. Agree, I think Pogba is developing into one of the worlds best central midfielders.
  17. One paced totti does fine for Roma. Cabaye is such an easy target now I'll judge him when I see him player under a manager of some ability like rudi Garcia. Oh wait he did that and lead lille who were under dogs to a league championship.
  18. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    I cross my fingers but i doubt it.
  19. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Pressed him much higher up the pitch and he slowed things down too much too. They did bimpy but that's because we reverted to our usual sitting deep nonsense. We didn't push up the pitch or press at all, everytime we lose the ball we retreat without tying to win it back. We need to get the whole team to push higher up the field and have Anita pick the ball up from the centre backs and let him dictate the tempo.
  20. He just started with Sissoko-Anita-Cabaye ffs. My post was in response to bimpy saying Pardew will want more bite
  21. Typical Pardew: I'm sure if he had his own way he'd buy Cattermole and have him and Tiote playing central midfield.
  22. Sounds like Pardew logic this. Anita did fine today the issue is how we actually defend. We drop off and sit deep but we don't close down nor do we we get right on top of that we don't even take up a compact shape. We have to address how we defend as a team before we worry about the personnel doing the defending, we have no defensive shape whatsoever it's a disgrace.
  23. You know your a shit manager when Steve Bruce gets one over on you. Notice how Hull defend deep narrow and very compact and they close down and double up a stark contrast to us.
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