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Everything posted by r0cafella

  1. second half pulled him out of the s***. Dat revival. That 1 goal revival! doesn't bring any redemption in my eyes.
  2. He's one of our fastest players? Not surprised to see him looking lost when he's played on the flanks though...
  3. It's odd how players look better when they're signed from English football. It's odd that we can't afford Barkley too. It's all relative, maybe we can afford Karl Henry? or Catts?
  4. Didn't baines get a booking early doors? Why haven't we tested his metal?
  5. What free weight exercises can help that anyway? We just need to stop targeting players from a second-rate league that nobody but us goes anywhere near. I'll reserve judgement on them until I see them under a proper manager. I'm also pretty sure everyone was excited when we bought them too....
  6. On the wing he gives you nowt but graft. When he comes further infield he's a threat. And lets be honest Pardew only played him tonight for his graft.
  7. I think they've been given a bollocking at HT and rightly so. but it means nothing if we don't get anything out of the game. They clearly don't respect him
  8. Moussa on the right hand side. Back to playing with 10 men. Pardew is clueless, I hope this leads to his demise I can't put up with this much longer.
  9. Either way it's clear the players don't respect Pardew. We can't get rid of our entire squad so Pardew has to be sacked. BEN ARFA OFF... FUCK OFF ALAN FUCK OFF
  10. This the cunt needs sacking. Gentleman believe it or not we have good players we just have a manager who is clueless and has no idea how to train or manage them effectively.
  11. We are so shit, Tactically clueless. Every game we drop off don't get tight, don't press we aren't compact we aren't anything. Mike Sack Pardew and I might forgive one of your many errors.
  12. press as a team ffs! It's always ad hoc our pressing drives me mad.
  13. Notice how Martinez has his wingers mark the fullbacks and not just come as far back as possible.
  14. Given how we have a pathetic excuse for a manager I don't really expect anymore. We can have everyman behind the ball and still get a torn a new one by average teams.
  15. He basically said Ben Arfa is not good enough for us to "carry" Neville has it the wrong way around
  16. Really hoping Moussa can utilise his pace and power tonight with some runs from deep.
  17. Disagree, This is exactly the sort of game we see Cisse isolated in. Gouff is quicker and stronger and can at least chase the balls played down the channels and hold it up better
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