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Ankles Bennett

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Everything posted by Ankles Bennett

  1. Annoyed that townsends agent has obviously engineered this move but Townsend will regret it when we are back in the EPL next season riding high with the rafa revolution and palace are in the bottom half. This is Pardew all over . He can't motivate players for more than one season hence he keeps buying new faces for positions he doesn't need. Be interesting to see howTownsend performs under Pardew after he credited rafa with his improvement in form. Townsends loss as far as I'm concerned.
  2. Surely he will go for the England job again. He might even get it this time.
  3. PSG might go for him for £20m.
  4. Sissoko says he can't play in the Championship as he wont get into the France team and it will damage his reputation as a quality footballer. What is laughable is that he is one of the main reasons we are in the Championship in the first place because he went missing in so many games. Let him go, but as he rates himself Champions League standard he should command an £18 to £20m transfer fee. If no takers at that price and he goes on strike trying to force a move, stick him in the reserves. He certainly wont get to play for France if he cant get a game in the Championship thats for sure .
  5. Only if he wants to play in the prem and agitates for a move.
  6. We should send townsend out on loan to a prem team. He can come back when we are promoted. Loic Remy did just that.
  7. Ankles Bennett

    Graham Carr

    I take your point but its on record that he relies upon football people to run the club for him. Ergo Carr, Charnley and Moncur are where the blame squarely rests not with Ashley. Put it this way if we had a modicum of success and Ashley kept interfering in the boards decisions we would be asking him not to be hands on. We can't have it both ways. However now we are relegated the outcome of where the club won't wrong rests with the boards failure to recognise the perilous position McLaren had put us in which was compounded by their reliance upon the reassurances they were given by McLaren
  8. He will be loaned out to a prem team in the same way qpr loaned out loic remi. If we go back up we then have a quality addition to the squad. Same goes for the other players we want to keep. Perez might be loaned out also
  9. The clause is there so we can terminate his contract because the club won't pay epl manager wages while we are in the championship. Make no mistake the press release will say a mutual parting because rafa doesnt want to be in the championship, but the reality will be us activating the release clause. In other words yet more lies to cover up the incompetence and lack of ambition of those wasters running our club. Charmless is at best a club secretary and Carr was a complete failure when he tried managing in the lower divisions of the football league and at best Moncur had a brief modicum of success as manager of Carlisle. The mantra from them will be why pay Rafa £5m a year when Nigel Pearson is available for £1m.
  10. Wouldn't mind seeing Mark Warburton take over if Rafa goes but he will probably stick with Rangers I reckon. Mind you Ashley might go for him just to f*** over the Rangers board.
  11. Well after the dross served up by mclaren I found this performance damn encouraging considering Rafa and his team only had 2 days with the players. At one point we had 84% possession. The goals and wins will come if we keep playing like that.
  12. Of course the girl in Senegal knew her age. I've been to Senegal and most people are so desperately poor they can barely afford the clothes they wear never mind have a birth certificate so i would question how how she knew she was only 13.
  13. This. He's probably waiting for Nevill to be sacked by Valencia and using us to hurry th into action.
  14. Seems to me they have decided to give McLaren a few more games to turn things around. If he doesn't they will probably accept we cannot survive and will sack him and bring in Pearson for the last few games to assess the players with a view to clearing the decks ready for an assualt on the Championship.
  15. The problem the club have in getting in a new manager is the first thing they do is notify potential managers that they would have to accept a confidentiality clause should we decide to consider them for the job. The potential managers then bring in their agent to negotiate a fee for signing the confidentiality clause. This all takes time. Then once the clauses are signed the club then invites candidates to interview. The best of them, Benitez, will turn up and make all sorts of very reasonable demands which the club will baulk at, and will then tell Benitez that he hasn't got the job because of his demands. He says great, all I wanted was the money from the confidentiality clause agreement. We then offer the job to Nigel Pearson (who now thinks he is the greatest manager in the EPL because he brought in most, if not all of Leicester's players). We lose all our remaining games and get relegated.
  16. Managers used to do that, it's a different culture now, they have no qualms about staying until they get paid off these days. Yes but it's their agents who make them wait to be sacked so their contract is paid up in full which means the agent maximises his own income by taking his percentage.
  17. If it's true that Benitez is genuinely interested in replacing Mclaren I wouldn't wait until we lose to Bournemouth to appoint him. Bin Mclaren today and get Rafa in. I'd bin Mclaren even if we beat Bournemouth because it probably won't be a convincing win.
  18. We need a manager who will scare the sh@t out of the players if they fail to give 110% in every remaining game. The players will all be planning on moving on if we get relegated and they need to be told in no uncertain terms that they will not be sold if we are relegated and that they will be made to honour their contracts and will be expected to get the club promoted from the championship.
  19. I don't understand why the fans reps keep attending these meetings. They should all resign and cite the clubs inability/refusal to answer any straight questions put to them.
  20. Watching a tv program where a character said every decision we make weakens our ability to make the next decision. Methinks the board of nufc watch the same tv programs ?
  21. He's been dropped because he lost the captaincy, plus its a ready made excuse for the next thumping.
  22. Get Roy Keane to just stand there with his dog scowling at them. You wouldn't have another bad game if you came off to find a mental bearded Irishman staring at you in the showers. lol
  23. In my view this board will stick with McLaren through thick and thin. Its their judgement that is on the line by appointing him, and they just can't bring themselves to admit their judgement was horribly flawed. Ultimately though, the main reason they will stick with Mc Laren is the old adage that if you give the manager time he will eventually build a succesful side. Quite where they get this belief is beyond me, because the only managers who have ever been given time have been sucessful pretty much immediately, which has in turn bought them more time, even Sir Alex was on the verge of being fired when he got a stay by actually winning something. The Arsenal fans have been clamouring for Wenger to be replaced for at least the last four or five seasons because they haven't won anything of note by their standards. Even Liverpool are on their 4th or 5th manager in the last ten years or so. Chelsea have had quite a few successful managers in the last ten years who have been sacked as soon as it's become apparent they won't win the title, and even Man city are turning over managers on a fairly consistent rate despite winning titles and trophys. How on earth our board thinks McLaren should be given time is staggering, wgiven the attrition rate of managers in the top clubs.
  24. Ashley will go to the other board members aka Charnley, Carr, and Moncur and ask if McLaren will be able to keep us in the EPL, and we all know what they will say as they chose the useless bu**er. They most certainly are not going to tell Ashley like it is. They will tell him to take no notice of the fans because we are completely overreacting and that schteve has assured them that there is no chance we will be relegated, and Ashley will believe them because they are "football people". Chances are they are waiting to be sacked as well so they can get a golden handshake too. Wouldn't surprise me if they chose McLaren for that reason in the first place.
  25. I will predict now that this warmwarm weather training camp will have opposite to the desired effect. The players will come back thinking they have worked really hard and that all they have to do is just turn up and try to replicate what they practised in la manga. The problem being Stoke City couldn't give a toss how hard we have worked in Spain and will we will be stuffed yet again.
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