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Claudia Winkleman
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Everything posted by Cf

  1. I'm quietly confident. Hardest game on the calendar and I don't think we could have chose a better time for it.
  2. Cf

    Mason Greenwood

    The CPS can't force people to testify. If their case relies on her testimony and cooperation and they don't have it then they won't prosecute. Cases only go to trial when the prosecution think there's a realistic chance of conviction. If they did prosecute in these circumstances he'd likely be found innocent. In some ways it's worse for him this way around. He can't claim he was found innocent, just that he wasn't charged, but we've all heard the tape. Everyone "knows he's guilty" and he doesn't really have a counter to that.
  3. VAR Official looks at decision and asks the question "has he potentially got that wrong"? If yes clips go to 3 officials who aren't watching the game so don't know the on field decision and are just asked "is that a penalty?", "Is that a red or a yellow?". Majority decision stands. Easy.
  4. This new tablet they're making Carragher hold makes him look really awkward. He can't decide if he's looking at it or the main screen.
  5. I mean Wolves would obviously have missed based on how they simply couldn't score but the point is valid
  6. I'll be surprised if they top that one like. Still, 37 rounds to go.
  7. That's verging on match should be replayed levels of bullshit. The officials want more respect? It's a two way street. That's fucking scandalous. They deserve none whatsoever for that.
  8. Ref lost his cards or something? A more stonewall yellow you'll never see.
  9. You'd think Man Utd were the away team the way they're playing.
  10. Misses player getting kicked in the knee and tells him to get up and get on with it. Surely VAR are whispering to him he got knocked even if they aren't going to give anything for it?
  11. Can Man Utd not be bothered or something? Just sat there with the ball.
  12. Also they better discuss our 5-1 drubbing and not this boring 1-1 crap.
  13. Fucking hell it's even worse in motion. Wow that's shit. They're aware they've got real footage right?
  14. Yeah this new "VR" view is shit. It's like we're back in the days of the original PlayStation. Carney if she's staying needs to grow into this quick. She sounds so stunted.
  15. Wow. Chance to to award a penalty to Livarpool not taken.
  16. Looked stonewall to me that. He's fluffed the shot because he has a keeper hurtling straight into him. Had he just tapped the ball forward a tad it would be given all day long.
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