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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. This is the move I knew about when I said one of the appointments may raise a few eyebrows.....I'm sure Paully & Minhosa can confirm that I told them this a month ago.
  2. I know he applied for one of the coaching jobs at NUFC last month.
  3. When camels fly. Sopwith managed it Clever fokker.
  4. That's my take on things too. Either that or Ashley has leaked to his pals at the Sun in order to get other interested parties to do something pronto.....maybe even get a bidding war going and drive the price up? Since then, BZG have offered up a couple of brief statements to confirm where they are with the bid, more to protect their own reputation more than anything. I don't really see them as doing the deal in public, and I think Ashley must be okay with what they've done, otherwise he would have fucked them off by now. I'm still of the opinion that this is very much happening.
  5. Neil Mitchell who lives in Dubai and has very good contacts there says they're a big concern and have a good name in that part of the world. Why would he say that?
  6. There's no way this Bin Zayed Group would want to lose face with an aborted bid, as the concept of personal dignity, honour and protecting one’s reputation is very important in the Middle East, particularly in the business world. It happen then? I was told back in December that the sale was done, but it didn't complete as the buyers were nervous due to our league position. Was also told in March that the same buyers would be back in as soon as were safe, which kind of ties in with the date the proof of funding was supposedly submitted. I haven't heard anything from anyone since the sale was announced to say whether it's going ahead or not, but going on nothing more than a hunch and plenty of hope, I think this might be it. Fully expecting an Ashley kick in the nuts at any point soon though.
  7. There's no way this Bin Zayed Group would want to lose face with an aborted bid, as the concept of personal dignity, honour and protecting one’s reputation is very important in the Middle East, particularly in the business world.
  8. And you probably need to wind yer neck in. Chill man, club have handled this perfectly and as expected. If Ashley starts flapping his gums something has upset him, and that’s bad for everyone involved, especially us. Sometimes saying nothing is the best policy. I wish these lowlife journos would follow this advice but then it doesn’t get you clicks and bites. Was this your craic during the Staveley saga as well? Edit - aye, it was. https://www.newcastle-online.org/forum/index.php?topic=99882.msg6574137#msg6574137 I think I was the first to call out the staveley deal on here. At the time it looked positive until it became clear (to me at least) she set the lot up. Ashley for once wasn’t the bad guy in that one. She played the press and in turn played the fans, didn’t make an acceptable offer, instead lowballed and used the media to put pressure on Ashley. She failed and has been in hiding since. If you think we’re at the same point as the curry photo as to now then I feel sorry for you. You're 100% wrong about Staveley. She made the offers and the final one was verbally agreed, only for Ashley to pull the plug and brand them as timewasters via the media, before they'd even informed the buyers. That's from my mate who works for the National newspaper over there and met/knew the people involved. Caulkin will also back up this version of events. This is what worries me about this deal as well. Always with Ashley, his general cuntishness and erratic behaviour is the big worry on any deal.......but IF it's true that papers have been signed, I don't see how he would pull out of it without incurring financial penalties. Who knows though?
  9. And you probably need to wind yer neck in. Chill man, club have handled this perfectly and as expected. If Ashley starts flapping his gums something has upset him, and that’s bad for everyone involved, especially us. Sometimes saying nothing is the best policy. I wish these lowlife journos would follow this advice but then it doesn’t get you clicks and bites. Was this your craic during the Staveley saga as well? Edit - aye, it was. https://www.newcastle-online.org/forum/index.php?topic=99882.msg6574137#msg6574137 I think I was the first to call out the staveley deal on here. At the time it looked positive until it became clear (to me at least) she set the lot up. Ashley for once wasn’t the bad guy in that one. She played the press and in turn played the fans, didn’t make an acceptable offer, instead lowballed and used the media to put pressure on Ashley. She failed and has been in hiding since. If you think we’re at the same point as the curry photo as to now then I feel sorry for you. You're 100% wrong about Staveley. She made the offers and the final one was verbally agreed, only for Ashley to pull the plug and brand them as timewasters via the media, before they'd even informed the buyers. That's from my mate who works for the National newspaper over there and met/knew the people involved. Caulkin will also back up this version of events.
  10. It is spelt with a K mind. It’s from the Greek, Skeptos Not in the Queen's English.
  11. Could people please start spelling SCEPTICAL in the correct way, as it's ruining my general takeover experience.
  12. Fuck this shit. Anybody have any objections if I drive a fuel tanker into SJP, and just burn the place to the ground?
  13. I have a feeling she may be involved in this in some capacity.
  14. Fuck sake man, we're being bought by Al Don aren't we?
  15. UncleBingo


    3 all the way, to lose like that and have their worst even season man Great finale granted, but they haven't lost enough times for my liking........the Champo season was amazing for that, losing every week due to the inevitable slapstick keeping, infront of a half empty stadium, bews ringing out...simply glorious. And the Burton game was just incredible for hilarity.
  16. UncleBingo


    So what's everyone's favourite Sunlun season out off the last 3? 1) The turd finally being flushed, while Rafa's Mags win the Championshit season opener? 2) The piss this leyg marra, we've got Simon Grayson, Cewkie, shit keepers, Burton....fucking Burton episode? 3) The Don & Charlie Meths revival, new seats, Checkatrade, taking Traf, Wembo heartbreak special? Some great moments all over but I'm going 2, 3, 1.
  17. UncleBingo


    That's the way the Cewkie crumbles. Canny.
  18. I mentioned a few months back that the sale had been agreed depending on our safety, but couldn't really bring myself to believe it given Ashley's track record.....even now, am still highly sceptical, mainly because good things don't happen to us. Will try and contact my pal in Abu Dhabi in the morning to see what he knows. Would certainly explain Rafa turning down some seemingly very decent jobs mind.
  19. Villa beaten tomorrow. Rafa announced Tuesday. Would be nice.
  20. UncleBingo


    Bowyer looks like an alcoholic ex-squaddie who has been living on the streets since the Gulf War, but has turned his life around and is now doing focus groups for junkies.
  21. UncleBingo


    Where's me ma, me ma? She hasn't made me tea, She's shitting at Wembley, Where's me ma, me ma?
  22. UncleBingo


    Think they may win today mind.
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