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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. Really poor performance from both the players and management alike. Ritchie, Atsu and Perez particularly shite, Mitrovic back to his lumbering best and tactics appeared to revolve around giving the ball to Shelvey. Oh well.
  2. Agreed. He's a good talker/organiser too, more so than Lascelles even.......he was actually telling him where he should stand etc on set pieces today. Very impressed with him.
  3. Superb second half from Citeh, De Bruyne has been absolutely fantastic.
  4. It's ruined my weekend to be fair. Still plenty of time for a daft red card mind, fingers crossed.
  5. Away man! They won the FA cup ye knaa... remember man, 43 or so years ago. Oh, hang on, they were massive underdogs then as well. So probably not in the 'great club' bracket... Nope, apologies, it is a mystery to me as well. They were a great club when Victoria was on the throne to be fair. Just before our Edwardian glory years.
  6. Give him a pair of those cut off at the foot protective tights and hoy him on the bench just in case. Then we can sing to him: The tights that Dwight sat in Never reaching the end. I'll get me coat. Canny.
  7. Another mind reader who has never criticised any player ever.
  8. Wind yer neck in. So any criticism of players mean you want them to fail?
  9. Err, it happened though. You cannot put so much vitriolic effort into slagging a player off and be fine with being proven wrong like. It's not how humans work. I'm not saying you did, but I'm assuming you've slagged him off in the past giving your touchy reaction. But your comment didn't touch a nerve with me personally - just that I found it ridiculous that some fans would resort to accusing fellows fans of such thing. Aye because UncleBingo doesn't come into the thread all the time calling him a lumbering idiot, we need to get rid, should have signed Austin instead etc. That other lad who's been obsessed with calling him 'Misstrovic' ever since he arrived obviously secretly wants him to do well too. Neesy who 'hates his personality' and said he was s**** after the Norwich game must also be keen for him to make it here? In fairness to Neesy like he's a canny reactionary lad after/during the game Still though there's been a lot of pretty clear hatred for him probably since his red against Arsenal. I absolutely wanted Colback to fail when he arrived as I'd already made my bed (I actually kind of like the lad now). Ian wants the country to burn to the ground just to prove he didn't pick the wrong side on the referendum. People do need their opinions vindicated like, it is human nature. This doesn't mean that if you've slagged him off in the past that you want him to fail, I just know for a fact some people did and a few probably still do. I think I've called him a lumbering oaf twice, and questioned his finishing on a few occasions, and based on the vast majority of his performances I haven't been wrong. My main gripe was I just didn't get the cult hero status, as I don't think he'd done anything you earn it. He played really well the other night and long may it continue, he will be an asset for us if he can perform like that every week. Desperate for him to fail, wind yer neck in will you.
  10. Absolutely this^ Same here. If it's not one of the weaker teams, would quite fancy Man United at home.
  11. That Dangertosser - dear me - what a lid! He's got to be one of our lot on a wind-up. Ikey possibly?
  12. I loved that to be honest shows how much he wanted to score. We need players with that passion Fair enough, but from where I was it looked like he was actually crying, and he lost his shit for a few minutes.
  13. Agreed, we also missed a couple of absolute sitters too. I'm struggling to think of a more one sided game in the nigh on 40 years I've been going. I had to calm my son down afterwards and explain to him it's not going to be this easy every week.
  14. Made a tit of himself with the penalty but better, so much better. Even I was willing him to get a hattrick tonight, he definitely deserved one.
  15. Perez goal should had stood according to Lowes and Anderson. Why was it disallowed anyway? Shelvey was our best player obviously, but I thought Gouffran and Little Vurn were excellent as well. Was really impressed with their striker Scott Hogan too, was a real handful for our centre halves all day. Definitely one to keep an eye on.
  16. Sheedy I think! Correct. Great game that, I was stood right next to the floodlight.
  17. According to RTG lore, Internet hard/funny man True Geordie was a 'massive Lads fan' when he was a nipper. Can anybody shed any light on this matter?
  18. Got my season ticket in the Milburn in 1992, but previous to that had stood in the Corner since 1978, moved to the Leazes for a little bit and also had one seaon in the E Wing. Favourite games I can remember were 4-2 v QPR in 79, 3-1 against the Mackems on New Years Day, Keegan's debut in 81, Man City and all the games at the end of the promotion season (Carlisle, Derby & Brighton) and of course David Kelly v Portsmouth which is the last game I stood on the Gallowgate iirc. So many good (and bad) things to remember, a million miles away from the whole match day experience nowadays. Last game I stood at SJP, I was in the Milburn Paddock against Ascoli in the Anglo Italian Cup. David Kelly got sent off and there was a huge brawl involving all the players and benches right in front of me. I don't know why but without thinking, I went on the pitch and joined in, getting one of their players in a headlock before it all calmed down and I jumped back into the Paddock. Got home with my brother, before he kindly pointed me out to my folks, as the whole thing was shown on the late local news that night. Probably would have been a lifetime ban nowadays.
  19. Will rip my skeleton out if that list is true, although will feel some disappointment that the cunt Souness isn't fingered
  20. Really really poor tonight, can't understand why he's anywhere near the first team. Diame ran him close in the shitness stakes mind.
  21. I think he has a lot more to his game than just goals. Excellent work rate and movement, also was impressed with his link up play tonight. Couldn't believe some of s*** being posted about him on here at half time (by people who weren't there clearly), but definitely agree that he'd benefit from playing alongside another striker. Not impressed with Diame at all.
  22. The amount of pure unadulterated shite talked by people who aren't at the game, is really quite staggering.
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