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Everything posted by UncleBingo

  1. I prefer his random attacks on opposition fans. The online spat with the Turks was fucking hilarious.....and very brave.
  2. Steven Taylor loved playing for us.
  3. It gives me no great pleasure to be proven right with regards the fat knacker.
  4. Quite simply, he hasn't. Great week against the mighty Preston mind.
  5. Agreed. We have some absolute f***ing clowns among our 'support'. So Rafa not open to questioning of tactics and formation cos he is rafa ? Of course he is, but some are going way way over the top. The concept of 'support' seems to have passed a few by.
  6. Agreed. We have some absolute fucking clowns among our 'support'.
  7. I think it's that sort of self entitled arrogance that has fans of other clubs labelling us as deluded. Three of the four sides you mentioned have won a domestic trophy more recently than us, and Huddersfield are 3 times league champions. We are well supported with a big ground but that's about it, we really need to stop this one of the biggest clubs in the country nonsense.....although that's not to say we couldn't be.
  8. Seriously? Absolutely transformed the club from top to bottom in terms of recruitment. Handled outgoings better than any manager we've had before by rinsing every last penny out of Spurs and Liverpool for two players who didn't want to be here. Bought the right blend of talent and hard working players to create a much stronger team ethic which sees us top the league (the main objective no matter what). It's blatantly obvious Snodgrass would improve our squad. So what if Murphy hasn't featured much, he's part of a close-knit squad who are all pulling in the same direction now. What would you prefer? Riviere and Obertan? I seriously hope Rafa never comes into contact with some fans' opinion of everything he's doing for our club. Well said.
  9. I was told about the cous cous nonce thing in good faith, and the person who told me has some pretty decent sources and is still adamant that's what was said.
  10. FIFA recognising Kosovo is far more of a political statement than people wearing poppies on their shirt, the hypocritical cunts. They've got some brass neck mind, I'll give them that.
  11. Bored of the Bournemouth game so randomly stumbled across Kerala Blasters v Athletico de Kolkata in the Indian league, first thing I watched was Aaron Hughes pull his hamstring, only to be replaced by ex-Mackem flop N'Doye. Loads of journeymen African & Europeans and the standard is atrocious but a massive excitable crowd, compelling viewing.
  12. They finished in the bottom half 7 seasons out of 8 from 96 to 04 and their average attendance was always in the mid to high 30000s That's gone into the car park.
  13. Was talking to a member of Rafa's staff today, and he was still foaming about last night and the last few games in general. Definitely no dropping of heads and plenty of resolve to put it right.
  14. Was walking past the East Stand after the game yesterday, and read the PL scores out to my son. After the Palace score some random lad turned around beaming and said "he's got to go, such a fraud" before wandering off muttering a load of Pards based abuse to himself. "Who was that Dad?" asked my son, "I've no idea" I said back with a smile on my face. Got to be someone off here?
  15. The odd flash here and there but I expected better in all honesty, especially as he was utterly dominant the last time he played in this league. He was utter gash today and capped it off with an awful miss.
  16. Really poor performance from both the players and management alike. Ritchie, Atsu and Perez particularly shite, Mitrovic back to his lumbering best and tactics appeared to revolve around giving the ball to Shelvey. Oh well.
  17. Agreed. He's a good talker/organiser too, more so than Lascelles even.......he was actually telling him where he should stand etc on set pieces today. Very impressed with him.
  18. Superb second half from Citeh, De Bruyne has been absolutely fantastic.
  19. It's ruined my weekend to be fair. Still plenty of time for a daft red card mind, fingers crossed.
  20. Away man! They won the FA cup ye knaa... remember man, 43 or so years ago. Oh, hang on, they were massive underdogs then as well. So probably not in the 'great club' bracket... Nope, apologies, it is a mystery to me as well. They were a great club when Victoria was on the throne to be fair. Just before our Edwardian glory years.
  21. Give him a pair of those cut off at the foot protective tights and hoy him on the bench just in case. Then we can sing to him: The tights that Dwight sat in Never reaching the end. I'll get me coat. Canny.
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