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Everything posted by tinoasprilla

  1. Almiron should so obviously be on the left. Itd make no difference to maxi what sided he plays. Radge football is more versatile
  2. Dummett is horrific should never play again. Gayle invisible pointless sub prefer muto
  3. tinoasprilla


    Rice and winks are crap if they played in the north theyd be no where near the england team
  4. Krul Debuchy Schar Colocini Enrique Cabeye Tiote Ben Arfa Jonas Ba Cisse In time maximum and Willems Hard leaving perez and carroll out but as beans said for 6 months Cisse was electric. Remys out for being a twat
  5. Gayle is fucking gash. Weak as piss and the heart of a mouse
  6. tinoasprilla


    Rice is total garbage
  7. Thought we looked better today with him and Yedelin at wingback
  8. The worse thing about the tackle is it gives Bruce a slight excuse. Would have been five nowt with eleven players
  9. He was talking about Yedelin but got his name wrong. The blokes an absolute div
  10. Hes never seen yedelin or almiron as he calls him play ???
  11. A newcastle fan (allegedly) who has never seen Yedelin play before (although he called him Almiron). Maybe hes pissed like joe Kinnear
  12. I'll direct you towards the Steve Bruce thread. I'd sack bruce at half time
  13. Good to see out full backs just let their players cross the ball whenever they want
  14. Shelvey and dummett are garbage just constantly give the ball away
  15. Fucking clueless cabbage faced fat mook
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