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Everything posted by MagMal

  1. To be fair arsenal have looked good this last 10 minutes
  2. The talksport AM programs are going to be even worse than usual tomorrow when all the alcoholic ex-players they employ start wanking themselves raw over fat sham.
  3. Giving his new gaffer Eddie a sneak peak ?
  4. Is that not just Harry Maguire?
  5. Bugger, had Isak as my fantasy captain and it was my last real chance to get into the money positions work, will have to settle for win and bollocks to the fantasy football
  6. Mason is Levy's snitch, if I was the new spurs manager he would be the first one out the door.
  7. The push for third is on for me, both Brighton and Man U will be knackered after that game and Brighton will be beat up emotionally as well. Spurs will draw their way to the end of the season and Man U will hopefully have one eye on the final.
  8. This needs a Brighton 1 nil in the last minute of extra time
  9. Wanker kane, just cost me a clean sheet points for Pope and Trips
  10. Lol subbing the keeper at half time, that's a primary school move
  11. Have sky turned the mics down or are the crowd in shock?
  12. What a fucking pass, out side of the boot
  13. That slack jaw git will be falling all over the place and the ref will give him everything, it wouldn't surprise me if he injures one of our plays and gets away with it and gets the free kick himself, can't stand him. Still think we will win though ?
  14. Fat Frank, fucking hell they only sacked him a couple of years ago, what a bunch of clueless idiots. There is a Chelsea fan at work, can't wait to take the piss tomorrow
  15. The problem with spurs for me is they are too reliant on Kane, he is a fantastic player but the just play to his strengths, become predictable and rely on him to bail them out all the time, look at the other stickers they have brought in and none have them have become a success as there is no rotation as the rest of the squad is not strong enough to make up for when Kane is missing. To be fair we were like that with shearer in the last 3 or 4 years of his playing time.
  16. I hate Everton and am desperate for them to go down, but thank fuck for that goal.
  17. Murphy is a proper shithouse, I have totally changed my mind about him due to his recent form, the way he supports the team and especially the shithousing
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