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Everything posted by llcoolc157

  1. llcoolc157

    In memoriam

    Penalty against the Mackams on New Year’s Day…. Class…
  2. llcoolc157

    In memoriam

    That volley against the Mackams… 10 years old at the top of the Gallowgate… absolute bedlam…
  3. He’s got to be tempted and must know with the players he has available right now, hes just a tactical switch away from being a World Cup winner.. Obviously just depends on what his long term ambitions are…
  4. The hatred towards Durham Mags from Newcastle/Northumberland born Mackems never ceases to amaze me…
  5. Maybe Eddie likes him and sees what value he adds to the squad… just a thought like…
  6. Todays official attendance 41,000
  7. In over 40 years of travelling abroad or around the country I like to think I’ve got on well with every single fan I’ve interacted with… yet according to the fools on RTG, I shouldn’t step foot out the house as everyone now hates me apparently… At least the behaviour is consistent.. one idiot posts something and then the usual suspects lump on with some made up story about a mag at work or mag relative or mag at airport or mag in full kit or mag in mag top over in Germany… or god forbid, Whitburn… It really does beggar belief how unhinged they are… do they run university courses on weird, obsessive mackam behaviour..
  8. llcoolc157


    So basically nothing for anyone to get wound up about then… Think anyone is a bit naive if they didn’t think he’d get a few jeers at first… and I don’t think I’ve ever been to a match in 40 years when at least one bellend is behaving like a knacker… so all a bit of a non story I reckon…
  9. llcoolc157


    Was it not all a little bit pantomime and half expected… To be honest it didn’t come across on TV… ant least I didn’t notice it.. and did it happen every time he touched the ball?
  10. They’d take that as a moral victory those daft twats…
  11. Can’t be… we mean nothing to them now… read it on RTG
  12. llcoolc157

    Next season

    I think everyone will have learned from this season including owners, staff, players and fans… last season had more challenges than we could have imagined, but now next season can’t come quick enough for me, looking forward to it already… and I’ll take winning the league cup for starters…
  13. Someone better tell West Ham then… seemed to be a lot of interest when they won it…
  14. Without Keegan there’s potentially no Newcastle Utd… Love the bloke me… fuckin love him… The king of Newcastle… get that stand named after him or a statue up as soon as possible..
  15. Thursday 29th May 1969 was the very night I was born…. Often thought and on many occasions been told that I might be ‘the curse’… but sorry folks…. I just dont feel ready to depart this earth just yet…
  16. So basically the same list as last season and perhaps the one before that…
  17. After getting promoted in 1984 an emotional Keegan said 2 things I’ll never forget… ”I wish I’d played for this club and these fans in my prime” but more importantly “now is the time for this club to go into debt and back the manager”… A forward line of Keegan, Waddle and Beardsley… Terry and Davy Mac in midfield.. Wharton and Roeder in defence… And did we back Cox… did we fuck… instead we ended up with him leaving, Charlton coming in and the likes of Cunningham, Reilly and Pat bloody Heard…
  18. The club have one chance only to get this right if they want to create a better atmosphere but to come up with a plan isn’t exactly rocket science… Ideally singing end should be next to away fans Current season ticket holders can choose a preference club can sort out logistics Seating preference required for ballots And appreciate not everyone wants to stand and sing… so off you go to the East or West stand or the A and E wing paddocks… Simple…
  19. If I remember correctly most of their fans weren’t overly happy with Mowbray being appointed… I don’t buy the great love in now.. toxic fan base
  20. These clowns take the piss out of Shearer having a statue but ‘relegating’ us… What the majority of the daft bastards fail to understand is that it was in fact Stokoe and not MacMenemy who was in charge when they were relegated to the 3rd Division for the first time in their history…. And if I’m correct Stokoe took charge of more games than Shearer over that interim period…. Absolutely nothing against Stokoe, a Newcastle cup winning hero but those idiots down the road are really fuckin clueless when it comes to their own history… or perhaps they just prefer to concentrate more on ours…
  21. I think the real problem they have is that they actually hate us more than they love their own team…
  22. Strongest team for me… if you’re fit and not carrying any injury you play… we’d be gutted if Arsenal and/or Liverpool got knocked out in this round and we didn’t progress having played a weaker team (or one that was much weaker).. Lets get out there and give Man Utd a good old kicking when they’re down…
  23. Up in level 7 last night, usual seats, my lads and a few mates.. there’s 4 blokes behind who I’ve never seen in the 12 years we’ve been sat there… no problem with that.. Everyone happy to join in the pre match wor flag show, I’m thinking fuckin great, the atmosphere is going to be cracking again, adrenaline pumping, songs belting out…and then what happens… yep as soon as the ref blows his whistle my lad gets a tap on the shoulder and this cockney wanker tells him rather abruptly to sit daaaan… which is simply followed by… “what was that?” ”sit daaan I can’t see” ”go fuck yourself” Ok I could try and be a bit more diplomatic but with hindsight I think I’m just more disappointed that folk don’t at least try and get caught up in the whole match day experience… especially champions league for Christ sake…
  24. Very true… whichever way they try and spin it, they very vocally supported johnson knowing exactly what he was in the frame for… the last group of fans who can ever try and take the moral high ground on anything…. Shameful…
  25. No single person did more for this club in my lifetime than Keegan… but it wasn’t just the club, it was like he grabbed the whole city by the scruff of the neck and lifted it… and not once but twice… the sheer joy, hope and excitement he brought with him was unbelievable… In his time as a player st. James was bouncing and away games were class… Man City home and away… Liverpool 0-4, all the promotion games… fuckin loved every minute of it as a young lad… And when he came back as manager he did exactly the same thing… So whether it’s a statue, stand I’m not bothered as long as we do something .. love the bloke me… love him..
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