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Everything posted by Likelylad

  1. There’s clearly a number of issues and the radio silence from the club regarding this is concerning.
  2. Barcelona are in no position to go drop 100- 120M on a player.
  3. Love the fact he mentioned that he was off to watch/review the Milan derby tonight. Bloke lives and breathes it. Have an early night man Eddie.
  4. Bruno's on 3 already. Going to be lots of 1 game bans due to how card happy the refs are this season. Especially for dissent etc
  5. He's definitely someone who needs a run of games to get up to speed.
  6. What's the justification for 12 mins added time? Head injury?
  7. Class goal like but also some real Danny Simpsonsesque defending.
  8. Us and Wolves have gifted these lot 6 points. They're genuinely not that good.
  9. I'm genuinely looking forward to the day when someone gives Klopp a crack.
  10. Yeah likewise. I didn't mind it previously but it's just poor now. Very much loving Lineker, Shearer & Richard's podcast at the moment.
  11. Likelylad


    I mean, wasn't Foden pretty central when he tore us a new one a couple weeks back?
  12. Exactly. The only real difference now is the expectation.
  13. He hadn't trained all week. Love big Joe but it was a very poor decision to start him.
  14. Looks like they’ve been filming at King Street in Shields.
  15. Yeah, i think we're done. Hopefully not like but i just can't see it. I know we needed depth but of the 4 players we've signed, only 1 is currently starting. Hopefully Hall gets up to speed sharpish.
  16. Luton might give Derby a run for their 7 point record this season.
  17. A-Published articles confirming such and the fact he went to RGS. I mean that’s pretty much proof enough no? B- The Tories have shit on the working classes and the NE for years and are complete cu***. My view is, i’d rather not have someone who’s an ardent David Cameron fan boy front and centre of the supporters & club. Just my personal opinion.
  18. I’m 2 pillows. It’s absolutely optimum. Does anyone else do what Pope does and use a pillow for the legs? Thought that was random as.
  19. Depends on the topic tbh. Happily wax lyrical about the merits of 70s cinema until the cows come home or how we’re going to win 2-0 on Sunday.
  20. My only worry is that all teams have a boogey team and i really hope these twats aren't it. Heart say's 2-0. Head say's 2-2.
  21. Maybe i'm a hypocrite as I've got mates who vote Tory and support Newcastle but they're not front and centre of everything nufc. I've heard stuff about him and the True Faith lot that doesn't lead me to think they're good people etc. The way he came back to NUST unopposed once the takeover went through. Tbh, It's amalgamation of everything together that's led to my dislike.
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