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David Edgar

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Everything posted by David Edgar

  1. Schar is criminally ignored by the media.
  2. Basic 4-0 win. A tad disappointing we didn't proper go for it, but understandable with the CL game coming up that we coasted and made loads of subs.
  3. Aye I initially thought Wilson had just been subbed off or something and was just doing the rounds giving high fives
  4. Utterly relentless press on the ball stopping their counter. Love it.
  5. I celebrated the Longstaff goal the same as the other two. Never gonna get sick of us scoring.
  6. Just dominated them. We're in a different league.
  7. Bruno is playing at a level I'm struggling to accept. Unreal.
  8. World class play by Schar and Trippier. And that isn't an exaggeration.
  9. Oh shit, his form is about to nose dive.
  10. Will the length of the ban be announced before the ban ends?
  11. David Edgar


    Southgate is such a knob for selecting and playing a guy who is rusty as hell.
  12. He hasn't looked fully fit for a while. Felt like he's been playing within himself. So this isn't much of a surprise.
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