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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. He and Shit Bruno sum that club and it's fan base up
  2. In their defense, it is difficult to get on the NHS dentist register these dsys
  3. They rent it for varnigh fuck all but are rumoured to be favourable to buying it outright. Whole things been, yet another, tory debacle
  4. Any updated/finalised version of this? Can't recall original poster, @midds?
  5. Groundhog63


    From Bruced to Juiced
  6. Groundhog63

    Fabian Schär

    On further reflection that clip, along with Sean Longstaff's admissions sum up how fucking damaging Bruce was/is. It's a short enough career anyways without stagnating for years because your managers a fat, useless fraud
  7. Groundhog63

    Fabian Schär

    Amazing watching that ? What a turn around ??
  8. Leaving out that comma wasn't the win you think it is Tommy
  9. Watching it on Peacock and the two commentators/pundits are jibberung idiots
  10. You can tell you're a brexshitter with maths like that. "Over half the population" don't vote tory. One of the many failings of FPTP as it goes.
  11. I appreciate that and, of course, each to their own in regards to final day ambitions. I just think, for Howe & the team, there's something in it for them. As I say, I'm chilled
  12. 1st time this season I'm chilled on match day. It's not, as some suggest, a dead rubber tho. There's the small matter of 3rd/4th There's the "unbeaten in London" There's integrity & pride. There's that image of our results with only 5 defeats from just the 4 teams Eddie'll put out the strongest team he can.
  13. Yes there is. It's wrong. Hypocritical and perverse. It's like setting fire to someone's house then giving yourself a huge pat on the back when you hand them a bucket of water. Tories AND tory voters shouldn't be anywhere near charities defending swathes of the population from the very misery they, themselves, voted for.
  14. I'd be, a tad, gutted to see a red box in that last entry. Gutted, ah tell thee. We've only been beaten by 4 teams this season, not including cups Let's keep it that way ?
  15. Nord. On the trumpet. Sacked off the WiFi, went to New York. Sat back and watched ?
  16. Could stare at that all day. Probably will, tbf. Mind blowing the lack of red. Us/VAR gifting Liverpool 6 points and it STILL not bring enough for them. Us doing the double over Spurs, Brentford AND Fulham Unable to beat Leeds, Bournemouth AND Palace ? What a season
  17. I'm not sticking up for the 20 stone cardiac arrest on legs BUT it might not have worked anyway. I always said he had no vision, no concept of how big a beast he had in his hands and what it could really be. It's all about decision making tho and, as we've seen countless times it fails more than succeeds. We've been incredibly lucky landing Howe and pretty much every decision that's been made during the last 18months has come off. Thats either unrivalled expertise or luck.
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