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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Tbf to him, & that's not easy ?, he doesn't get to decide a major channel's programme schedule or when Fulham's defence are going to have a kip
  2. Updated Howe: Every day, morning glory Bruce: Every club, same old story
  3. Bet he's got his very own Partridge plate
  4. Howe: 6am in at half past Bruce: 10am All day breakfast
  5. Absolutely no skin in the Ronaldo game, other than acknowledgement of his superior ability, but he should never have gone back to Man U & they should never have asked him.
  6. Howe: Morning glory Bruce: Same old story
  7. Howe: Beat Chelsea one nowt Bruce: Riddled with gout
  8. Howe: Has brought the club so far Bruce: "Clark's better than Schar"
  9. Howe: Coaching top tips Bruce: Menu & chips
  10. Howe: Shithousery Bruce: Shithouse
  11. Howe: Press & harry Bruce: Cash & carry
  12. He's not the brightest either. Should stick with the Matt Baker soundalike
  13. Groundhog63

    Joe Willock

    Wood pointing at him as he tumbled ??? https://fb.watch/gMtFdjPxhe/
  14. Groundhog63

    Joe Willock

    Has it been mentioned, in reference to the knee slide malarky, how he absolutely failed at that when Bruno did it. Against Southampton iirc. Hilarious footage of him going arse over tit behind Bruno ????
  15. Link (edited, ignore, seen ???)
  16. "My Captain, my captain" vibe about all that. Regardless of ability, and I question the level of disregard given to him, he's an absolute colossus for the squad.
  17. He's got a good right to be. If he was at any one of 8 other clubs he'd be on the plane to Qatar
  18. Even great players playing for a team that's going to win the league can be cheating cunts. KDB one of the biggest. Never gets mentioned.
  19. Every day's a school day ?
  20. Usual windmilling thread with dashes of racism
  21. Bearing in mind he's just signed a new contract and notwithstanding no club can demand a "must play every game" loan stipulation, why can't he go to a Premier League team. Bournemouth for eg? Too demoralising battling away af the bottom v game time in the same league
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