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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. 3 hours after the final whistle and they're already big-time charlies . That 2 year old interview must've burned a hole in Gooch's cold L1 heart
  2. Probably shit or bust for them yesterday. One more year in the 3rd division might've seen them off in permanent stagnation. I've watched a bit of them this season, tbf, & thought they were too good to not get promoted. Given that I knew they'd win via the play-offs. It's a shit standard, for sure, but don't forget we got knocked out the FA Cup by Cambridge. Next year they've a core of "decent" players that'll hold thier own in the Champo but no more than that so alot will depend of incoming helped by having a reasonable manager. He's got form. I can't see a meteoric rise upto the Premier league anytime soon tho. Plenty more chuckles to be had, methinks.
  3. "Fuck the mags" ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Fucking ???????????????????????s
  4. I'll watch the first half, take the dog out at half time, and come back to watch "Glow Up. Britain's Next Make Up Star" with her indoors. Probably.
  5. Anne Widdicombe that. Obvs got a ticket off of Tory Fwank. Should be banned for life and charged with assault.
  6. Pitch invasions are wank and only for divvies. Fact As for Everton, they're detestable for me because of the players they've got. Not one with any likeable traits. Not one. I'd cut DC-L some slack purely because he's uncontroversial. Cheating, miserable, dirty bastards. Used to like Everton. Reidy, Lineker. I used to go to school with Trevor Steven, had a sleepover as it happens, so always kept toot. Then Royle happened. Cunts of war crack started. Disliked them ever since. Soz
  7. They're making dresses out of old duvet covers btw. Brogan, who's a tidy sort, is adding a ruffle to hers
  8. She's done iz again lads. Watching Everton, took the derg out at half time and came back in to her watching some sewing program. Stitched right up
  9. Absofuckinglutely. Only Brazilians I know are dancing about, loving life. Mind they're up here.
  10. Or "Do a, Scunny" as it's known in the trade ?
  11. I don't think I've ever come across at team with as many wholly unlikeable characters within it that this Everton team.
  12. Fucking eyes are bleeding from watching that Arsenal game over and over. Apart from his total 90min game, which was top drawer, he could've had 4 "worldies" The OG, if it came off his foot instead, was some move The volley off of Bruno's outrageous dink, pure sex The snap shot from Kraft's pass The long range chip
  13. I'm not so sure the bloke, and his whole family by the look of them, aren't wired right. Way too fucking happy for me like. ?
  14. Home, away or both? You old bugger ???
  15. Absolutely. Unless you one of those people who only see "our" history through the lens of white, entitled Englishness you'd understand the oppressive nature of The English Empire. For that is what it was/is. One thing I do like about Celtic's culture is their support for other oppressed people, like Palestinians for eg. Ex wife's dad's a massive Celtic fan tho and I once hoyed a Celtic LP he had on the old turntable. Fuck me, some of those tunes were a tad near the knuckle. Put me right off. The flagshagging orangemen in the Rangers camp just as much. I remember, as a teenager, watching Billy Connolly in a BBC play about the Orange marches. Getting shite hoyed on them. ( googled.... Just Another Saturday) Made an impression. Ps wanted Rangers to win btw
  16. Just wait till you see Wembley, 21st, a sea of blue, red & white and black & white ?
  17. Have the Unionist NEDS smashed up Seville yet?
  18. Top trolling by Paddy here....
  19. 98th minute penalty, anyone?
  20. I kna man. I worked it out. Surprisingly easy. Cheers tho but
  21. Apparently I can speak Portuguese ??? "passe longo"
  22. Just 12ft laddered this...... https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftheathletic.com%2F3316405%2F2022%2F05%2F18%2Fa-grateful-goodbye-to-the-players-who-stood-tall-when-newcastle-fell-short%2F%3Fsource%3Demp_shared_article
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