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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Never seen that. Made my morning
  2. Aye, it's definitely not worth the grief of accessing their car crash website like ?
  3. Scrapping later. Scouse on scouse.
  4. Just checked the fixtures. You'd not expect Boro to win all 3 but they're still in with a shout. If I had to pick I'd go Blackburn. Fulham and Bournemouth* still to have a hell of alot of influence over who goes up with them *I'm assuming they'll get 4 points from Swansea/Millwall I've gone from being indifferent to football in general, disillusioned with my team back to full investment. Not sure, wether to watch City v Real the neet or the L1 classico Exciting times
  5. It'll be like their "Corruption Tzar" overseeing things like the £37BILLION pumped into Dido Harding's Test & Trace scam. John Harding MP who, by amazing coincidence, is her husband. Remember, when the ESL was being touted, Boris Johnson was all for it until the shit hit the fan.
  6. He was. Been a Toon fan all his, short, life. Smashing kid. In fact Sam & I have "mutual" ??
  7. Younguns got humped again. Never mind the 1st team squad, the foundations need underpinned somewhat.
  8. All I can see from Monkseaton all the way to Cramlington leading down to Seaton Burn. North to Blyth. From Crammy, Deleval & Seghill all the way to Benton. New houses built on farmer's fields.
  9. Don't shoot the messenger, I'm only quoting RTG
  10. Just remember Sam Fender only started saying he was a Toon fan after the take over.
  11. Exactly. Load of bollox to give Daily Mail readers something else to wank over.
  12. Steer clear of that greedy cunt. He'd still be charging the club ground rent 250 years later.
  13. Must be Hendrick that lives around here then. Dog shit everywhere
  14. Do they pick their dog's shit up after them? THE big question.
  15. My old Nana used to say "if its & ands were pots & panda there'd be no need for tinkers hands" A great many "ifs" & "ands" could be made with regards to Bruce staying, or Howe coming, or Emery. This player, that player etc etc Utterly remarkable that nearly everything has come off. Fair play to Amanda for ending up with Eddie but, fuck me, what a turn around. Back in love.
  16. Games I've seen, all things considered (*) , he's looked ok imho. As for researching the views of a set of fans that will be in absolute denial of the club's trajectory with added dashes of entitlement, I'll pass. * injury, intermittent starts, club in perpetual turmoil devoid of managerial stability & ideology etc etc etc
  17. I must've miss-read some posts then ;-) I'm not sure how much he would cost or, indeed what his wedge would be. Nor anyone else's tbf. All I know is he's a young England international who's got a great attitude. Would take him in a heartbeat.
  18. People turning their noses up at Rashford man Be a great fit both on and off the pitch. Sound lad. Anything else you may have heard, to the contrary, will have originated from our tory press putting the boot in because a high profile, working class, uppity, black kid had the cheek to shine a light on their glorious gvt's seething cuntishness.
  19. After "If Carling made Sundays" yesterday, would it not be better for Rotherham to beat Yaxley-Lennon FC by 3 clear goals AND Sheff Wed beating Fleetwood? Just for the bantz on RTG
  20. Every day's a school day ???
  21. Naw, that was Grimes. He'll be on the same register, tho
  22. I'll take your word for it. All I know, from watching a few Burnley games lately, is Cornet is gash.
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