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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. It's relentless really. The bollox like, isn't it ?? Most of the players who got us to a final and 4th are shit but it's a disgrace the same players haven't done it again. Howe doesn't play the kids but we've 17yr old permanently in the middle And now, to cap it off, he doesn't give a fuck about future planning. Just concentrates on the next game and not getting sacked. It's a fact, he says it every interview ?
  2. And darts. Had Jamie O'Haha and some lass I've never heard of doing some darts challenge when I had a gander. Briefly
  3. Birmingham making huge efforts to fill their ground for the home game v Wincie's Shed 11 The thread on it is a delightful journey through lack of self awareness via irony finishing up at their "FA Cup final" Hope the boy Pritchard scores a hat trick ?
  4. Aye. Been done to death but I occasionally can't resist. ?
  5. Was it Maidstone, the other day, had a bunch of houses behind with scaffolding up. Whole loads of kids sat on there watching the match?
  6. Watched the whole game again yesterday. In some respects, imho, it was more convincing than the 5-1 home win. I think that scoreline flattered us. They had, and spurned, glorious chances at vital points for me. Could've been 6-5 or something ?? Still buzzing after Tuesday tho. Definitely wasn't expecting anything. We're back
  7. Didn't some bullshitting, tory donating fraud come out with that kind off patter years ago? Only to not put a penny into it then swan off into the sunset rich af? ?
  8. No, our horrendous fixtures, so far, allied to an even more horrendous injury record is why we are where we are. Nowt to do with Villa, other than the 6 points like ???
  9. Sounds a bit like "as long as the top6 becomes the top7 and we're it, fuck the rest" I'd rather us, Villa, Brighton, West Ham all have a go. Let's have them all able to take points off the "big 6" Grest seeing Spurs, Liverpool and Chelsea out of the CL this year.
  10. https://x.com/paddypower/status/1752316758000644232?s=20
  11. I'll quote me own bollox but they've been good, nay great, tonight and they were before we took over the game. Hats off
  12. Haven't been on for this half but, even tho we're winning 3 zip, I see there's always gotta be a whipping boy. Longstaff today.
  13. Tbf they play some decent football normally. Just lightweight and never have a striker. Apart from that they're wank. How big's the garden like? You live in Darras Hall?
  14. I'm a sad cunt with snide TV so have been watching these scruffs for years. Usually until they score then I turn it over ? Granted it was mostly 3rd tier football but him, Roberts, Stewart and Clark were the only ones that ever stood out. Couple of loanees, obvs, but the rest are dross. Even £35m Neil
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