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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Ps sun shines out of Eddie's arse pour moi. Any cunt saying any different is....er....a cunt.
  2. Tbf it's not beyond the realms of fantasy that Tonali, Barnes, Joelinton and Willock would've started today. Then bringing on Wilson, Almiron, Longstaff and Milley, for eg, would've re-energized the team. Not to mention Tino etc etc
  3. Suffers from the perception he always looks knackered ? It's that lofty gait coupled with the laissez faire/youthful confidence. Without a doubt this kid is a footballer tho. I did think, near the end of the 1st half, he looked goosed but he stuck to his game. Wasn't fazed while under pressure and doesn't seem to panic about anything. For a 17 year old, thrown into the deep end he's been remarkable. Going forward, when he bulks out, he can look no further than Rodri as someone to emulate. Not saying he can reach that level but he's 17, fearless, so why not
  4. This would've sufficed even tho the rest is relevant. It's frustrating but people, some, need to calm down or fuck off.
  5. Nah, just a no commas or full stop kinda guy. ?
  6. "The flip side of this is also a worry because neither do we want all our clubs being owned by states, oligarchs and US hedge funds. A personal view is they should be community assets and that should be enshrined in some way with an element of fan ownership. But that horse has bolted." Yeah, reeto, I'll do a quick Google over his full career and see how many times he's suggested that particular unicorn
  7. I haven't watched the full interview but Easles uses, as an example, selling a player for £50m Could he have accidentally let the cat out the bag in that is the price of the player they've discussed selling? Leaves Botman, Bruno and Isak in the clear, no? Might be Hendrick??
  8. First gig I ever went to. Travelled down from Berwick and stayed at my Nan's. Had a spare ticket so my, now, brother in law came. I was 16 Mayfair Ballroom 1979 Madness The Specials The Selector I had every Two Tone record
  9. They all do. I've mentioned before but watching Sports Editors on the Sunday Supplement was enough to deduce that most were/are arrogant picks who like the sound of their own word salad. Joey Barton should have a bit of a go at them instead of lasses
  10. Being of a certain age I remember the sorrow I felt at "losing" Alan Kennedy and Supermac. More recently Andy Cole. Even tho we're a "project" & the team will "evolve" & Eddy Howe himself has admitted some favourites may have to depart along the way, I'd be gutted if either of the Brazilian lads left. Gutted, I tell thee
  11. Who else are you on here then?
  12. Said it before. Easiest way is to incorporate those buildings within the new stand. Make a feature of it. Leave the far sides as the actually entrances. Simples
  13. Some absolute cunts amongst our fan base. Sad really. They're getting what they, supposedly, craved for and can't handle the collateral
  14. Aye, he's class tbf. I didn't expect it to be that engaging. The stealth camping on derby day is amazing.
  15. The way some of them go on, at this point, I couldn't give a fuck if she was. In fact I'd find it hilarious.
  16. I think if bladder control is the benchmark then you've got a problem. The Metro doesn't have a bog and whilst you can jump off to have a slash in Maccy Ds, for eg, lagging in bushes is illegal ? Drink shorts ?
  17. Seemed canny to me like...
  18. I seen that one. Was excellent. A 3D Jimmy Hill getting raped off a jaguar wearing Bob Stokoes hat and gabardine mac, iirc
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