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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Speaking as a member who applies for every ballot I think those that are disheartened to the point where they won't bother applying anymore are well within their rights. Very much the principled thing to do. In fact more should stop applying, credit to them ?
  2. Perhaps heading towards, if it's not there already, a Chat thread but I doubt anyone in the Sports Dept thought "let's stick that Eni Aluko on, that'll piss off the Red Wall, plus she's Nigerian" I joke to the Mrs about women pundit/comms etc but, tbf, I'm ambivalent. Probs not very positive but there's blokes out there, ex pros and otherwise, who talk a right load of bollox as well. For every Aluko there's a Robbie Savage, Paul Merson, Phil Thompson etc etc etc absolutely divvies.
  3. Alex Scott is easy on the eye, affable and uncontroversial. Bit like Jenas. As for the "BBC do it on purpose"? One would only think that if one believed that the BBC is "woke" & "left wing" It's neither. The governance of the Corporation and "News" production is very much right wing.
  4. As I say, I'm not a regular but this morning was grim af. If that's routine, I'm out ?
  5. I was of the understanding it's called the "i" because it's an Independent spin off. See its owned by Hitler's Daily Fail now tho. My old fella gets it and he's quite progressive for an 86yr old so maybees Rothermere doesn't interfere in this one
  6. I only listen to Talksport occasionally. More a bit of White (ok...ish) & Jordan (failed owner and lover of his own vocabulary) but that Gabby. Fook me.
  7. However bad a pundit Eni Aluko is why's, the gammon's new heart throb, wor Joey Barton not gunning for Alan Brazil and Gaby Abhonglahor? Thick as whale spunk, the pair of them. Obvs not enough grift in it for him.
  8. Should've quantified, 2 of the 6 were resale.
  9. Absolutely. Why can't they isolate and expedite the easy ones?
  10. Spent a few years in "The Duckett" with the Berwick, er, "aggro" ? Tbf I attended Shieldfield more often for the speedway than the football. Pitch inside the race track, a la Gateshead didn't help.
  11. Applied every ballot for MrsG & I Had 1, Villa. Brother's done the same, had 1, can't recall the opponent. Dog walking acquaintance has had 6, the jammy c*nt ? Will keep applying, it's no effort tbf, and hope for another. As it stands we're happy enough having the Villa game for, with membership, £80 a ticket ? Will renew Plakka knakka
  12. I don't know why the club don't just employ some of the experts off here.
  13. Don't waste logic on them man
  14. Someone needs to go and tell that kid in the car park to turn his stereo down. That afro drum n base is annoying af
  15. Got no beef with Villa and it's always a bonus when one of these mediocre teams get above themselves and challenge the massively big 6 cunts. We did it, Brighton, now Villa. Up the Villa, as they say in the Black Country Added giggles at Pickering for bantz
  16. Groundhog63


    Job for Rod that like. Little hut by the gate with a case of Stella and a piss bucket. Free WiFi from the hoose
  17. On a lighter note, if it hasn't been mentioned yet, anyone feel they were overselling the FormulaE coverage coming later, after the game ??? "Smorgasbord" iirc and a link to Jenas walking along an empty pit lane ? Would've been hilarious if he got run over by a silent E car
  18. Agreed I can't believe some of the bollox being spouted about yesterday's game. Well I can like but it's bizzare, all the same. You can include the Luton/Forest matches for context if you want to bolster the narrative that we've gone shit and Howe has been "sussed" "won't change anything" (sic) but it's bollox. We've run out of steam. You can't suddenly turn a team of high pressing progressives into a compact defensive unit when you're down to the bare bones, can't really train properly and everyone's fucked anyway. Man City have great players all over the pitch. Not just De Bruyne and (injured) Haaland. Fuck me they didn't even bother with £100m hairband, Philips or Lewis.
  19. This, with fucking bells on Tattooed on some cunts ample forehead, more like ?
  20. Sad crack when you've got to go on Ready To Groom to find a constituency of supporters more fucking deluded and entitled than your own
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