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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Wt actual f is this bullshit
  2. Chelsea, much like half of London was a Russian money laundering exercise. Abramovitch is just a very well recompensed middle man. They bought the tories. That's why we have 2 in the HoLs
  3. Going by the player threads we're back where we were 24months ago needing 20 galacticos AND a new manager ?
  4. I did some time, for the crime, and spent it reflecting on the reality that N-O isn't Skunkers ? I'm like a new man..........ish
  5. The sun shines out of Eddie's arse. Not saying he can't make mistakes or anything but the man is a legend, at this club, in the making. Like the board said, we jumped the shark too early and this season was always going to be difficult. Losing Tonali, as we did, then a string of injuries unparalleled by any other team just compounded that struggle. I've absolutely no doubt the owner's/board's ambitions have reflected that. Some "fans" on the other hand are like a bloke who's been married to an ugly woman for 30 years that refused to suck him off, even once. He's finally binned her off, had a few years in the wilderness then copped off with a gorgeous model and demands a blow job on the second date. It's irrelevant what's gone before, patience.
  6. "mong" "buffoon" <\> "dumb cunts"? Asking for a friend ??
  7. Best fans in the country streaming out home whilst their keyboard peers implode at their's Merry Xmas,
  8. Give them time. They'll turn on him at some point as well.
  9. Miggy fluffed Trips fannied Burn, Botman AND Schar chasing the ball
  10. Better fucking not. I've got us in the 1st leg of a "Last Man Standing" rollover. £320 in the pot so far.
  11. Apparently sat on a recliner in his hallway at home keeping his wife on her toes in the kitchen, checking she's upto speed with the veg etc etc. Getting regular reports off the grandkids in the lounge whilst they open the presents, grading them in order of likely cost and estimated pleasure to be had from. Then having the in-laws keeping him upto date with thier arrival time status whilst simultaneously going through his phone and pile of Xmas cards, cross referencing for next years post. The wheel keeps on turning ? Merry Xmas Dan the Man
  12. "Make Newcastle Great Again" "Stop The Goals" "Stop shots, score goals, save the Club"
  13. Had the boots crack before. Late 70s I had Winfield Aces. Moulded soles and were shit but, brand new, smelt canny ? Woolworth specials ? Later in life, when I was old enough to buy my own, I was a Patrick afficionado. Like wearing slippers.
  14. Careful with this rationalised pragmatism, kidda
  15. Same cunts get to vote as well ?
  16. Could be an interesting window. Ashworth's shit and does fuck all so no idea why Man U want him. Miggy's shit again Longstaff's shit again but we should flog him for FFP anyways. Probs about £60m Need a new manager cos Eddie's shit as well. Cunt can't even get a tune out of Matt Ritchie ffs These owners can fuck off as well. Had 2 years to turn us into Real fucking Madrid and were only 7th Merry Christmas ??
  17. This ☝️ Merry Xmas astraguy. I've read some absolute shit on here lately, culminating in piles upon piles of utter fucking drivel since 5pm yesterday. You've just balanced the books. "we don't want a team that wins just a team that tries" Unless I'm a whingy cunt, that is.
  18. Our fan base is riddled with cunts, tbf. Riddled.
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