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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Aherm.... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3461705/Video-shows-Sunderland-fans-backing-Adam-Johnson-arrest.html
  2. Didn't mean you man ?? These regulars you mentioned tho ?
  3. Indeed. Tbf I'm m off football forums already. It's darts I'm into now Bullseyes NOT Bull's lugs ? ?
  4. largely agree with the sentiment of your post, but if we keep criticising people for criticising people's opinions on a football forum, we're going down a really shit path. You've got to take the rough with the smooth, as difficult as it can be sometimes to bite your lip and ignore them. Even the most moronic people are entitled to their shit opinions - it's what keeps this place and others like it interesting. Tidied
  5. Absolutely this. Some of our lot are deluded tf. Let the cunt bake a bit more, ladies.
  6. Or just not be fucking stupid
  7. What these guys said ???
  8. Try my world. Sat watching it with the missus and, when they scored, she says "I'm away to bed" * So I quickly necked my can of Stella and sacked it off as well. Checks the score before lights out and it's 1 fucking 1 ? "Reet" I says "I'm away back down, we've scored" * she was knackered and up at 6 for graft I goes back down, get another Stella, sits down, takes a swig, boom 2-1 Stuck with it, this time, and hit the huffy bed Happy New Year
  9. Fighting a losing battle to keep my New Years ressie. That being not to call people cunts anymore. Neville, cunt Klopp, cunt Half the Liverpool team, cunts Tony Bliar, cunt On and fucking on ?
  10. Hearing Wilson took a suitcase full of scratchcards out for Tonali
  11. Currently 1-1 in the Tyne-Wansbeck derby
  12. I've been taught that knowing there's millions of people in the world worse of than you doesn't make it any easier to sort your shit out but sort your shit out, you must.
  13. That's a relief. Saw the thread title, top of my page, and thought it had come out he, frequently, booked a room at Dame Allans and was nobbing half the 6th form. Phew
  14. Either you're a season ticket holder with 300 away points or you've got snide TV and your sofa's gonna be a fun place to be next year.
  15. Wt actual f is this bullshit
  16. Chelsea, much like half of London was a Russian money laundering exercise. Abramovitch is just a very well recompensed middle man. They bought the tories. That's why we have 2 in the HoLs
  17. Going by the player threads we're back where we were 24months ago needing 20 galacticos AND a new manager ?
  18. I did some time, for the crime, and spent it reflecting on the reality that N-O isn't Skunkers ? I'm like a new man..........ish
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