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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. I know "X" works on algorithms but, on my "trending for you" Shearer is there and it's all Liverpool fans losing their shit over his commentary. Some quite funny ones
  2. Some people on here think it's mad you'd take your 4 yr old to a home game never mind a pub full of opposition
  3. Biggest shock from yesterday's match, apart from Chris Waddle's bogey nails, was finding out that Wincie fella is actually that kids Dad ? I thought he was his Grandad. The pissed up cunt.
  4. Basically "Spirit of 73" are flagging, no?
  5. Chrissy scissorhands
  6. Main point of interest from today's game, my sister noticed it as well btw, was the length of Chris Waddell's finger nails Manky cunt
  7. Groundhog63

    Joey Barton

    Many Ukrainians are, tbf. In fact there's a whole army unit full of them The rest is deffo whacky
  8. Collie. Black and fucking white, no less. Doesn't need a muzzle, that was poet licence ? Mind my sister had a collie that used to try and bite people's arses when they celebrated us scoring. Daft cunt* * thd dog, not me sibling
  9. Got 10 of the family around for this. Beer fridge full ✅ Half time nibbles ☑️ 85" telly ✅ Dog muzzled ☑️ Wife af work ✅ What can go wrong....
  10. "Should be made to apologise on the pitch at half time, maybees before the game, and their name and home address should be made public" I gather ?
  11. Tbf, and I say this knowing Ashley let our ground go stale, that bar looks fucking shit anyway. Reminds me of an 80s CIU club bar.
  12. It's like the council. Any spare cash needs to be spunked by April 1st otherwise ya budgets cut to accommodate the slack. Use it or lose it ?
  13. Notwithstanding "the beauty of the cup" & all that jazz, that team should've had enough about them. Arguably 6 of those could start on sarraday ?. 7 if Lascelles were to replace Schar.
  14. Aye, that walk to and along the buses was like The Warriors.
  15. It's hard to tell, given the way he talks, especially if he's had a bit of a shoeing. Bloke reckons he was drunk tho. Unfortunately that fella's got, and fairly certain always has had, a number of issues other than alcohol.
  16. Was there. Total wild west outside. I can't remember being frightened but I do remember repeating to myself "just get on the bus, Niall" Glad I wasn't half cut and had a modicum of wits about me.
  17. I thought Ayoze Perez was going to be fantastic on 1st viewing. Technically way better than those around him at the time, imho Came to the wrong club.
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