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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Christ, there's some hardcore on here griefing people for wearing the wrong baseball cap, speaking forrin and having a bairn with them. The crazy guys
  2. That thread speculating about their squad's individual worth is a crease. Tbf the OP is getting pelters.
  3. "Live"? You take her to games? That's sacrilege to some on here. Stealing a seat off of a hardcore ?
  4. Ffs made me waste 5 minutes of my precious morning going back 8 pages ??? I was over it instantly. The match, I mean, not that exchange ? Absolutely gutted we had it in our grasp but this adventure has arrived before we're ready and it'll be a very steep learning curve. Besides the Xmas schedule means we HAVE to get straight back on the ride and push on. If I have any anger towards anyone over our CL demise it's at our £55m fruit machine who sat and watched his boyhood club progress on. It'll pass tho, now I've typed it ????
  5. Just seen the 1 v 1 if that was when the defender cleared it by stretching his toe 6ft Brilliant clearance
  6. Hopefully, when the owners met the Mafia for pre-match scran they were told to sell us Tomori for nixy or die
  7. They need a "proper" football man as Sports Director. Someone with 40 years experience, available and has voiced a desire to attain Sports Director status. But who they gonna call ?
  8. Aye, granted, but in the context of a "journeyman" reaching the pinnicle of their profession there's similarities. 13 games for England isn't too shabby.
  9. Regardless of his tenure here it's a smashing "rags to riches" football journey. Seems a decent bloke. Steve Bull...esque
  10. Not even watching it and I knew what you meant ? Almost makes me understand why people watch those people watching matches on YouTube ??
  11. This. My guess is the atmosphere was, perhaps, a bit flat because... a) these self entitled hardcore fans are permanently raging their pals can't get to every game b) the travel slog for this match c) said travel slog, perhaps, meaning they couldn't all stand together in their hardcore groups pushing people out of their own seats and, er, d) we were shit Any combo really ?
  12. Fan museum aka Wincie's shed, Nobbys Nuts and Blue liquor
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