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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Wasnt there a lockdown April last year?
  2. Course it can. She could pretend to be on her period and that she loves it up the chufta.
  3. Thing is - certain England squads in the recent past you'd be almost certain to guess who it was. But now - they all seem too nicey nice goody two shoe types. Not that I want to encourage speculation of course.
  4. Lazarus


    Is that a black cat running around the digital advert hoardings?
  5. Peacock was probably the better defender but Albert had much much more to his game. He was sometimes our furthest forward player. Which is outrageous bearing in mind who we had up front at the time.
  6. Lazarus


    Genuinely dont understand their bitterness. I know theres always been an intense rivalry, from both sides towards the other, but the takeover has stepped it all up a notch but only from their side. So we got tookover - so fucking what. We had a shit owner for years and season after season of wondering if this is the one where we finally get flushed. And we did. Twice. But thats not the point, at least for me. As a fan base, we had all the hope and love of the game eroded and crushed. I posted on here a couple of times that my profile here was deleted and that i didnt even recognise some of the england players who were called up, kalvin phillips was one i think. I havnt even been to St James Park in years, fucking years! Actually I have but it was to use the car park at the top while I went into town - the last time I was in the stadium was for a corporate do. Have the mackems reached this level of apathy yet? My step dad was a season ticket holder for nearly 40 years, his blood, sweat and tears are literally in the concrete of the stadium. He died in March 2018 never knowing the takeover, never knowing Eddie, never knowing that there was hope. And that pisses me off. Is it any wonder that were now celebrating new ownership? Football is cyclical - in 10 or 15 or 20 years time things will change and it could be us on the bones of our arse, again, in a lower division, again. Its not gonna last forever, we know this. The mackems being in league 1 isnt gonna last forever. If only they could direct their energy at themselves they would have a hell of a club.
  7. Who was it who said Maxi is nearly 30? The way some of us are talking about him youd think he was the new Obertan.
  8. Of course not, but he does a lot more in addition to that.
  9. Hes definately limited by the teammates alongside him - hopefully wilson coming back and being a bit more mobile than Wood will help his form. Obviously in the summer he'll have someone like Paqueta to feed off and even better forwards up with him.
  10. Lazarus


    Have I just seen a thread over there asking if they should be in for Eriksen?
  11. Bruces idea of flair is a squirt of tomato sauce on his pasty.
  12. I think we'll score in the 1st minute and we will all shit ourselves for 89 minutes as we desperately defend.
  13. Guardiola was an exceptional player. Xavi, Iniesta, Pirlo and Fabregas all cite him as the best deep lying playmaker.
  14. I know thats how Jamaicans talk but is that a spoof page?
  15. https://www.bbc.com/pidgin/tori-61260166
  16. Lazarus


    The phone box did me in
  17. He really has out-Bruced himself there
  18. Aye - as discussed in general chat the energy companies have indeed put their prices up hugely but their still making a loss on the domestic side. This why theres talk of another huge increase in October so that they can break even. And by 'they', i mean the retail suppliers, as Neesy pointed out. The exporation, drilling and research side of the industry are separate companies, at least in a legally defined companies house way. Getting off topic i know but a few domestic energy suppliers are basically nothing more than call centres.
  19. Remember when Shearer had that clause saying he had to be top earner? Didnt we sign sign someone and his pay had to be bumped up?? I wonder if ASM or Shelvey or maybe even Wilson have something similar.
  20. How is the pork sommelier getting on with the local press down there?
  21. Must admit i bought into the Fonz and thought he was the one and only for us. As did fair few on here. But a few months of Howe and the transformation hes overseen already - its just amazing. Upgraded facilities, a full summer transfer window, a full time pre-season () - next season could be very special.
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