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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. ASM on the right?? Schar and Burn as 1st choice?? And Gvardiol as backup?
  2. Absolutely cannot wait for the summer window to open. Im like a kid waiting for Xmas
  3. Their fans are still blaming the players How many times has he gone to Portugal since he went there?
  4. I think Howe needs to set up a training program whereby hes not allowed to shoot at goal. All he can do is look for the pass. I dunno if its fitness, as mentioned above, or if Howe hasnt quite figured out how to best use him or what. Were clearly not seeing the best of him.
  5. Look at the photo at the top of the article - makes it look like a blatent dive https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/60950088
  6. Lazarus


    Your band? You didnt even mention Cobains anniversary the other day!
  7. I dont think ASM has so probably not. Looking foward to @Johnny's next masterpiece.
  8. Platter to Kill On Her Majesties Secret Smorgasbord The Calorie Who Loved Me Octopizza
  9. Really looking forward to this - need my Bruno and Joelinton fix
  10. Doesnt matter. The wage bill should grow organically. If Coutinho came in on 200k or 250k or whatever, how long before ASM wants the same, or Wilson, or Bruno Gibberish?
  11. No i dont either. I get that Howe might want to play a different way once we have better players throughout the squad but at the moment, Id say players in his wage bracket are beyond us.
  12. Howe doesnt play with a 10 though - so coutinho would be playing deeper. Dont think he could play at his best in the hustle and bustle of central midfield.
  13. Same here - clip started in black and white for me.
  14. I think we'll go to 120m to 140m tbh.
  15. https://www.morrissey-solo.com/threads/for-anyone-who-has-bought-from-sunday-magazines.96486/
  16. Wasnt much of a Viz reader myself but even just saying Thieving Gypsy Bastards makes me giggle.
  17. Its utterly absurd. But then so is the rest of football. Also, did Abramovich ever take money out of Chelsea? If a new buyer, even an outright buyer nevermind a leverged buyer, wants their dividends like Manure, wheres that money coming from?
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