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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Lazarus

    Dan Burn

    Hes an expert reader of the game, which in addition to his composure means he never has to panic or make last ditch tackles. It makes him a complete contrast to Lascelles and Clark.
  2. Willocks usually has a quiet first half then comes to life in the 2nd.
  3. Lazarus

    St James' Park

    We could call it a Dossier....
  4. Lazarus

    St James' Park

    I think we should knock up some plans and present them to Amanda.
  5. Lazarus

    St James' Park

    Scroll your mouse around the full 360 degrees - this is what your saying should be moved brick by brick. Its a bit bigger than Captain Cooks cottage. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@54.9765857,-1.6206826,3a,60y,315.84h,85.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sbEQC55bRp1kA0A9_oUvOQA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en
  6. Yeah I know what youre saying but dont we need our big players now? And is Botman/Carlos/Raphina/Zapata/Mueller/Lingaard/Bakker/Henderson gonna be happy being out for extended periods?
  7. Lazarus


    Someone needs to do a video at the end of the season showing his transformation. Starting with all his missed goals, the kicks into the turf, the misplaced passes then Clarks sending off and his emergence into a ball winning midfielder.
  8. Ive got an awful feeling that Bruno gonna be a bit part player until Howe can rejig the midfield in the next transfer window. Howe cant drop Big Joe as hes the only one who does what he does at the club. Little Joe might be droppable on occasion, but will still play lots of games as he seems to be over his toe injury and is coming into form at the business end of the season. Bruno could start if Little Joe was pushed into that wide forward position on the right hand side but that means no Fraser or those runs from deep arriving late into the box. However, we know that Wood likes to pull defenders out of their zone to create space so maybe Willock could take advantage of this from out wide?? Shelvey again might be droppable but in the event that Schar and Burn play in defense, Shelvey is the senior player and hes captain. Hes also playing really well. The obvious player to replace is Shelvey but that would be unfair on him on current form - plus as captain, if he was dropped then who takes the armband? This wouldnt be a problem if Trippier was fit but hes not available. So Schar? Big Joe? Weve gone from being well stocked at central defense for a few years to being the same in central midfield. Shoehorning Bruno into the team might create as many problems elsewhere as it solves. Leaving him out and restricting him to cameos risks pissing Bruno off. So im not sure what the answer is - maybe deliberate and regular rotation of central midfield?? But Howe likes a settled team...
  9. Wheres rockers pic when we need it?
  10. Nee bother - stick the cheque in the post.
  11. Is that @Mike sorting a poll out? Will wonders never cease!
  12. Yeah hes infamous for his excuses - just a never ending stream of them.
  13. Lazarus


    Its @Dr Jinx March 2021 Also, @Cronky said In December 2020 that he seen Joe play in central midifled for Hoffenheim but didnt mention wanting him played there for us. @Optimistic Nut also mentioned in October 2019 that Joe had started a move at left back then moved into central midfield saying that Joe had 'shown glimpses' of what he can do. But again, theres no mention of wanting to try him in a CM position. Theres aalso another post by @optimistic nut in October 2019 quoting a tweet about Joes in game stats: Theres also loads of posts and I mean LOADS saying hes not a striker or not suited to attacking midfield or not a target man... Basically all the clues were there and the only person who spotted it was Jinx and Howe (obviously). (Ive tried doing multi quotes to show but can I fuck get it to work properly. Fucking annoying )
  14. Lazarus


    Someone did say he should be tried in midfield - cant remember who it was
  15. Ive been hugely impressed with how hes getting his ideas across - really didnt think it was possible with some of the players we have. Its took a while but i think he now knows who he can reply on - who can be trusted and who will be in next seasons squad from the current bunch. I deffo think were safe though Im sure there will be some blips between now and the end of the season. And im fascinated as to how hes gonna fit Bruno into our midfield.
  16. As said above we know that howe doesnt like to disrupt a team doing well. But also, maybe he doesnt want Bruno walking into the team thinking hes billy big bollocks
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