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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Every time i watch that i still think the ball is going in but then the balls rotation curves it away
  2. From watching a few of his games i thought would settle into the PL very quickly.
  3. Lazarus

    Miguel Almirón

    Harsh on Miggy tbh.
  4. Was it Ibra who had the song about his nose being offside?
  5. Hes still at west brom isnt he? Its like hes remarried but still talking about his ex.
  6. Doubt Eddie would touch him if his attitude off the pitch is like that.
  7. Kieth Curle Diego Costa El Hadji Diouf Dennis Wise Not a PL player but Harald Schumacher - disgusting.
  8. If we are bringing in Lodi, then still need another left back. I know Dummett can play there, as can Burn and Manq in a pinch but we still have Lewis? Is he staying, going or what? Hes been deregistered from the squad so is he suddenly back in Howe's good books? I like Lewis and Howe might be able to improve his game but I think he'll be sold. So we still need another left back. Theres no guarantee Lodi will slot right in like Tripps did, he could take a looooong time to adapt. Whats his injury record like anyway? Targett is cheap, reliable, consistent, experienced in the PL, knows Howes system and is available.
  9. At a loose end so thought Id put together my own little squad refresh... We currently have: Dubs, Darlow, Gillespie, Woodman Burn, Clark, Dummet, Fede, Kraft, Lascelles, Lewis, Manquillo, Ritchie, Schar, Targett, Tripps Almiron, Joelinton, Fraser, Bruno, Hayden, Longstaff, Shortstaff, Murphy, Shelvey, Willock, Billy Gayle, Maxi, Wilson, Wood Obviously this isnt the 25 man squad so this list needs trimming before we even get to that. So we get rid of (Sell/loan/release): Darlow, Woodman Clark, Ritchie, Lewis Hayden, Shortstaff, Billy Gayle, This removes 9 players and gives us a first team squad of 22: Dubs, Gillespie, Burn, Dummet, Fede, Kraft, Lascelles, Manquillo, Schar, Targett, Tripps Almiron, Joelinton, Fraser, Bruno, Longstaff, Murphy, Shelvey, Willock, Maxi, Wilson, Wood From this squad of 22, who do we bring in and who do we replace: GK: Dubs, Gillespie, *new 2nd choice keeper* LB: Targett, *new left back*, CB: Burn, Schar, Lascelles, *Fede replaced with new centre back*, Dummet, RB: Kraft, Manquillo, Tripps, LW: Maxi, CM: Joelinton, Bruno, Longstaff, *Shelvey replaced with new centre midfielder*, Willock, RW: Almiron, *Murphy replaced with new right winger*, Fraser, FW: Wilson, Wood, *new striker* Thats got to be over £100M spent just there. And looking at the players in their positions, it looks slightly unbalanced at full back and LW, RW positions. As its gonna take a couple of windows to fine tune the squad balance, we hang on to Lascelles, Manq, and Almiron at least for the season ahead.
  10. Thats amazing! Totally amazing. My morning has gone to shit As well as the memories, theres Keegan talking about Ferdinand and Shearer BEFORE we'd even signed Cole.
  11. Does @Ando7 know owt? Also, do we really want an attacking full back bombing past Maxi? We'd be wide open on the left
  12. Yeah - hes a natural defender. If you look at the shot he blocked, our defensive line pushed up just beforehand, yet he stayed back, potentially allowing a burnley player to be played in onside. Its as if he instinctivly knew someone had to cover the far post as the danger wasnt cleared.
  13. Still think we'll spend a minimum of 120M with at least half that on players announced on transfer window opening day. This place will look like a plasterers radio.
  14. We need a striker who can reliably and consistently bang in 15+ goals per season. 20+ would be nice but your talking Salah levels of performance. While I love Wilson, his injury record will always go against him. DCL seems more of the same.
  15. I know Ive said before - but i cannot fucking wait for the window to open
  16. Lazarus


    Good luck to them in division 2. Theyre gonna need it.
  17. Lazarus


    Are these Sunderland players fans who have won a competition or something?
  18. This is where Im at as well to be honest. Ive now got a mint streaming site subscription thanks to @Rocker too.
  19. Manatees have too much padding in their faces for it to hurt. Ever seen them hit a glass wall?
  20. No way is Foden on 30k per week.
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