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Everything posted by Coffee_Johnny

  1. Imagine adding another three (or more please...) with the composure and class of Bruno and Tripps in the summer
  2. Murphy’s shooting like erectile dysfunction? Nah… his shots love a bit of wood (…work) ? (sorry).
  3. Grayson gave Joelinton MotM, for first half performance… sounded like he had a quiet/ineffective first half from comments here.
  4. Thanks. Sounds like he just a threaded a decent ball for ASM to make another wrong decision about.
  5. Big Joe is a bit of a radgy based on last couple of games … .
  6. Ok… can’t resist. A forward line of Big Joe, Murphy and Matt Targett… wonder how many chances we’d need to score?
  7. I have come down with a dose of lesser-spotted supreme confidence about this game. It is not the first time, but it has been a rare pre-match condition in my lifetime, a recurrence of a nasty difficult to shift dose which started about 28 years ago; with a couple of short-lived recurrences since. Frankly, it is quite a strange and unsettling experience.
  8. There was a time—young fella me lad—when sinking money in Pink Lane would have had a different, though possibility equally celebratory, connotation ?
  9. Surely in with a shout of manager of the month. If they still do such malarkey ?‍♂️
  10. Last six games second on form (4 wins 2 draws) behind Liverpool. One point better than Man City… . Canny.
  11. Gerrin! Big Dunc meets Sir Les!
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